Published By: Bono Sen

The zero waste life: Are you ready for it?

Zero waste is all about things that will last long, read on and start living with less!

We all tend to think that it is almost next to impossible to start a zero waste life, right? That is partially correct in the sense that it is not possible to go zero waste in a day. We already have such amounts of material that would need to be thrown out as garbage, it is actually impossible to go zero waste in a day. But it is not impossible in the long run.  Let’s learn how!

Setting the goal for a zero waste life

Setting a goal is essential in any task. You keep working for your goal by taking small steps everyday. Here the goal is to reduce your wastage to zero, in other terms reducing the amount of total waste and particularly non-biodegradeable material to zero over time. This includes everything that you purchase from a bag of chips to clothes and what-not. The main idea here is to ensure that you do not create more clutter or items than your need. It may seem similar to minimalism at times, but the objective here is to reduce your carbon foot print.

Reducing kitchen waste

Kitchen is one such space where you can find plenty of replacements very easily. For example, if you have plastic containers, it is best you switch them for glass once you have run out of use for them. Do not go creating more waste rightaway by throwing them out. If you are planning to get new utensils, go for steel, cast iron and other materials that last long. Before you begin to cook, take out raw materials in exact measurements, to ensure you do not cook more than you need. If you cannot do that rightaway, store the food for the night and consume it the next day, instead of chugging it in a corner of the refrigerator and letting it sit there and finally go to waste.

Being mindful while grocery shopping

This is a key component, you will need to buy food, that doesn’t come wrapped in plastic or containers that will create more waste. You will need to get food in bulk and buy whole. There are stores where you can take your own containers and get the raw items like grains, veggies et cetera.

Pick and choose what you buy

In terms of a zero waste life, you need to ensure whatever you have is of material use to you and these have to be things that have high longevity. Instead of getting a cheap smartphone that lasts for a year, get a good one, which lasts for at least 5-6 years before you switch.