Things that prove that elephants are some of the smartest animals

Their intelligence in many things is unprecedented.

Elephants are some of the most intelligent and smartest creatures in the animal kingdom. Do you know that Elephants not only have the largest brain in comparison to any land animals, but they also have three times more neurons in their body than humans! Though some might argue that it does not prove their intelligence, and the greater number of neurons help Elephants to control their humongous body. But still, Elephants have shown time and again that they have an upper handwhen it comes to intelligence over humans. Let’s find out how

They can identify different languages.

A very intriguing and interesting study by experts proved that Elephants could recognize different languages. Not only that they can even tell difference between different ethnicity, age, and even gender. If Elephants hear your voice and feel that you are a threat to them, they immediately take a defensive stance against you.

They know how to use tools.

Interestingly, many researchers have found that Elephants are quite smart and can make use of the various tools around them. For example, they use sticks to scratch the areas they can’t reach. They even make fancy fly swatters out of grass and tree branches. Many onlookers have even witnessed them digging a hole to reach drinking water.

They are extremely empathic.

A study showed a fascinating insight on Elephant’s behaviour. They are known to be extremely empathic towards one another. They use sounds, physical touch and even small chirps to comfort a distressed fellow Elephant.

They even mourn for their dead.

Well, it might be quite far-fetched to say that animals understand the concept of death like us humans, but research proves that Elephants might be an exception in this regard. They have many times demonstrated fascinating behaviour when one of their own passes away. The way they show grief and the sense of mourning is astonishing. They stand around the dead in mourning for hours and even caress their bones with their trunks. Interestingly, they don’t behave the same way as with the remains of other animals. It is seen that sometimes they even try to bury their dead ones.

They have an amazing memory.

Most of us have heard this one, but there are many instances to prove it. Elephants can remember long routes to the minute details. They can even recognize people after being separated for a long period of time.

So, which one of them surprised you the most?