Published By: Satavisha

Things You Do To Dogs That They Actually Dislike

Cut out some of your bad habits to avoid turning your four-legged best friend into your worst foe.

You may not realize it, but your dog could dislike some of the things you do to them. The things that dogs consider disturbing or annoying are different from what we humans typically dislike. Even some of the most gentle and cheerful dogs dislike a few things that we do to them—if you find them tolerating it, it is only because they love you. Find out how you can change your behaviour and make things merrier for all the dogs out there.

Do not compel them to make new friends and play with other dogs

Your dog may love visiting the playground with you, but that does not mean you have to force them to develop a friendship with another dog at the park if there is no chemistry at all. Some dog breeds are more social than the others. They love to make new friends and play, while the others are more independent and do not prefer playing with other pups.

Do not touch their nails and feet.

For canines, pedicures are clearly not as relaxing experience as they are for us. A lot of dogs dislike the idea of someone touching their feet and getting their nails trimmed. However, touching feet and nails is an essential part of grooming, it is better to get them habituated to nail trims when they are little, to make them less resistant to this practice later.

Avoid hugging dogs

Giving a dog a squeezy and affectionate hug may seem like the most harmless physical gesture, but you will be surprised to know that you are the only one enjoying that hug and feeling loved. Hugging is a primate behaviour, but it does not comfort your dog.

Do not forbid your dog from sniffing.

Dogs love going on walks outdoors to sniff and explore the world. Dogs primarily explore everything through scent, more than sight (as we humans do). Do not rush your dog through the streets without letting them stop and sniff. It can be quite frustrating for them to get yanked by their leash while they are trying to explore something new.

A lack of rules and routines can disturb your pup.

Training is an essential part that offers structure to a dog’s life. Your four-legged friend may not be fond of rules, but they need it. Developing a routine is crucial because dogs have an internal clock. Maintain a fixed meal time for them and follow it every day. After weeks of structured routine and rules, you can notice how happier your dog looks.

Follow these simple tips and develop a stronger bond with your furry friend.