Published By: Urbee Sarkar

Tips For Retracting Your Resignation Effectively

It is absolutely possible to rescind your resignation and still be professional.

Circumstances change and people change their minds. If you have decided to quit your job and suddenly you feel like that would be a wrong move, asking your employer to disregard your request for resignation is always an option. If you are convinced that it is after all in your best interest to retract your resignation, why not? However, there’s a way to go about it. You need to go about in a manner that would help you keep your job, position and respect. Here are a few tips that would help you to effectively retract your resignation.

Read The Company Handbook

Take a look at the company handbook and your employment contract to find out the procedure followed in case of a resignation and rescinding that resignation. A thorough reading of the document would give you a fair idea about what to expect. You will also get to know what is and is not against the company policy. If you are looking to retract your resignation, you would want to go about it professionally and that means your superior would be mindful of every step you take. It will be to your utmost advantage in handling your resignation retraction to follow the guidelines written down in the company handbook.

Keep Your Supervisor In The Loop

Before you make it official that you want to take back your resignation, have a talk with your supervisor. Let him know that you intend to stay on the team and look for their response to it. It is better to know beforehand if at all there’s a possibility of success regarding rescinding your resignation. This would prepare you as to what to expect although you can still go ahead and submit your retraction regardless. Moreover, be very strategic about this step and try to be rhetorically correct while talking to your supervisor.

Show Them Why You Deserve To Stay

Prepare evidence that points out to the benefits of letting you stay in the team. This could include your accomplishments, your future plans in and outside the company and any other reason supporting your change of mind. Your employer needs to be convinced that letting you retract your resignation would not change your performance for the worse and that you are not some fickle-minded person who does not know what they want.