Published By: Urbee Sarkar

Tips To Enjoy A Holiday If You Have A Migraine

You can’t let a headache ruin your holiday!

When you are on a holiday, you expect everything to go as per planned and you hardly want to stay in bed fighting a bad migraine all day. Moreover, you are most likely to have your itinerary packed and tight. Naturally, having a migraine attack on your holiday would be the last thing you want. However, travelling might sometimes act as a trigger for a bad migraine headache and it would be good to be prepared. Here are some tips that could help you tackle a migraine attack while you are on your holiday.

Stay Hydrated On The Go

Dehydration is one of the most common things that could trigger a migraine. The best way to ensure avoiding a migraine attack would be to drink plenty of fluids throughout especially when you are travelling. Keep a filled bottle of water on you all the time and make sure to drink at least three litres of water every day. The weather, the air and the exhaustion from travelling could be the cause for a migraine attack and drinking lots and lots of water is the safest way to avoid that.

Keep Your Stomach Happy And Full

No matter how packed a schedule you have to enjoy your holidays while travelling, always make time to eat. It could feel that you have no time to get out and grab a bite if you want to catch up with all the site seeing you have planned for you day. However, eating even if it is just snacking could help you with your migraine. An empty stomach is a trigger for migraine. Carry some dry food with like cookies and nuts to keep your stomach from going hungry. Also, refrain of eating too much of junk food in order to avoid a migraine attack.

Keep Your Complimentary Aids Handy

People have different ways of dealing with migraines. It goes without saying that you must always have your migraine medicines on you. Besides the obvious, keep the complimentary aids that help you during your migraine attacks handy. Travelling can cause stress and stress is a trigger for migraine. If you find ice to be helpful during your migraine attacks keep ice packs or ice boxes with you while you are travelling. If your migraine is tamed by heat, keep an electrical heating pad with all the time.