Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Tips To Get You Through The Gloomiest Season Of The Year

We have our fair share of gloomy days, don't we? Here’s how to banish the blues!

You may make some simple modifications to your routine to avoid feeling upset during lengthy periods of gloomy weather. According to the clinical director of The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center's Stress, gloomy weather can cause Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a kind of sadness that affects people at the same time each year, generally during the winter.

Women generally suffer from the seasonal affective disorder much more than men, and young individuals are at a higher risk, with the ailment typically manifesting itself in their twenties.

When the weather is gloomy for an extended period, people's circadian rhythms, or biological clocks, might be disrupted due to disruption in serotonin and melatonin levels.

Here's a basic primer on serotonin and melatonin: Serotonin levels, a chemical messenger produced by your body for your neurological system, are known to influence mood and hunger. The hormone Melatonin is produced by your body to help you sense the desire to sleep and wake.

Low levels of sunshine may cause a decrease in serotonin, which might alter your mood, according to Yeager. Gray days can also disrupt the body's melatonin levels, making it difficult for some people to get out of bed on gloomy mornings.

Don't worry if a lack of sunlight makes you feel sluggish and depressed. Instead, do these:

Go outdoors

A daily stroll may do wonders for your mood. So, wrap up warmly or put on some rain boots and get out there. Endorphins, which are substances that provide a good or euphoric sensation in the body, are released during exercise. Get outside as soon as you wake up for a better start to the day. The exposure to sunshine in the morning helps to keep the biological clock on track. Even taking the lengthy route from your car to your workplace might help.

Allow the light to enter

When the weather is gloomy, it's tempting to hide inside, but try to bring as much light into your living space or workplace as possible. When your curtains are drawn or your blinds are closed, you are not taking advantage of any natural light that is available. Rearrange your interior if required to optimise any sunshine that filters through on cloudy days.

Try light therapy

When there is basically little to no natural light available, you may need to make your own. Simply buy a light box that simulates the natural light outdoors and place it near your workstation or chair for approximately an hour each day.

The light box suppresses melatonin synthesis while increasing serotonin levels in the body. Alternatively, ask your doctor to prescribe a model that is appropriate for you. Select one that blocks harmful ultraviolet (UV) light.