Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Tips To Help You Improve The Quality Of Your Sleep

Sleepiness and haziness upon awakening might make it more difficult to recall important details, such as the location of your keys, when you're in a rush to leave the house or to feel focused and efficient at work.

When you're exhausted, your appetite hormones are all out of whack, and your executive function drops off when you don't get enough sleep. That implies that when people hit a wall in the late afternoon, they are more likely to reach for unhealthy foods like candy bars and bags of chips.

It's understandable if you're feeling a bit tense and grumpy by the time you get home. Not the finest mental condition for gently dozing asleep in a few hours.

Restful sleep at night is essential for functioning at your best during the day. There is no simple solution that will make that occur. On the other hand, there are easy things you may do to improve your sleep quality.

Here are some techniques for winding down at night to have a more restful snooze:


Even more so after a hectic day, it's crucial to give yourself time to relax and unwind before turning in for the night. But it doesn't mean you should shut yourself up inside. Simple adjustments help you feel more alert and relaxed, making the shift from day to night smoother.

Try music therapy

When you go home, instead of listening to the news or the constant mental chatter, put on some music you enjoy. While studies have shown that listening to classical music can reduce blood pressure and stress, listening to any music you love can help you relax and feel better.

Turn down the lights at night if you can

Consider using lamps, dimmer switches, or candles to create a calmer atmosphere instead of turning on the main overhead light. Indirect light is not only more subdued, but it also has less of an impact on the body's circadian cycles.

Avoid drinking too much caffeine late in the day

The process of winding down for the night begins, in part, throughout the day. It involves getting up and moving around first thing in the morning, cutting back on caffeinated beverages (including coffee, tea, and soda) after lunch, and avoiding foods that may cause stomach problems too close to bedtime.

Get some sun

Spend some time in the morning (or earlier in the day) exposed to natural light (outside, if feasible). A normal sleep-wake cycle may also be maintained by exposing yourself to sufficient daylight during the day.