Published By: Darielle Britto

Tips To Maintain An Indoor Garden At Home

Here is a step-by-step guide that will help you create an indoor garden.

Want to try your hand at gardening? It is easier than you might think even if you do not have a green thumb. Best of all, you can grow your fresh vegetables and herbs to cook your meals with. You can do this even if you are a city dweller with little space. Indoor gardening is the way to go. Gardening, according to some studies, can increase life satisfaction, improve well-being, and cognitive function. Here is a step-by-step guide that will help you create an indoor garden.

Make a list of vegetables and herbs you want to grow

Before you start the gardening process, figure out which herbs and vegetables you want to grow. Take into account the climate condition and how much space you have available for your indoor garden. Find out which plants are suitable for natural light or shady spots in the home. Choosing plants that can tolerate some amount of shade. Lettuce and spinach are some options you can try. These types of greens take around 45 days to reach maturity. Beets and carrots can also take some amount of shade. However, microgreens could be the best option if you do not have a lot of patience. While they are small, they are also highly nutritious. Mint, oregano, basil, chives,  parsley, sage, and thyme are also great herbs for indoor gardening.

Make use of food scraps

It is possible to grow potatoes, sweet potatoes, celery, and onions with the use of food scraps. Seeds used to grow vegetables from the previous night’s dinner takes a lot of time and extra care. Do a little research before you give this a try so you know what is involved in the process.

Choose the perfect indoor garden location

The area of the home that gets the best light is most likely the ideal location for an indoor garden. It is important to also make note of your local climate to adjust your plants according to their needs when the weather changes. Avoid placing your indoor garden where there is a lot of drafts or cold air as it can cause damage to the plant. Artificial lighting is another option to consider if you do not get a lot of natural light. Seek expert advice to know which plants are right for you in this case.