Published By: Satavisha

Tips To Make Learning More Enjoyable For Kids

We don’t forget what we learn with a smile. Isn’t that correct?

It is now well understood that learning gets better with engagement. But what happens if you go that extra mile and make it not just engaging, but also fun? This will result in increased students’ motivation and enhance their ability to retain information. Studies of cognitive psychology provide us with clinical evidence that boredom, stress, low motivation, confusion, and anxiety interfere with kids’ learning. If you are a parent or teacher, you are at the front line of getting the information across. Read to learn five quick tips to make the learning experience more fun and enjoyable.

Pay attention to interests

When your child’s learning experience is relevant, their cognitive abilities enhance. Pay attention to the interests of your students or child and try to fit their interests and passion into your lessons, wherever it's possible.

Give them choice

Kids do not get a lot of options or choices in their daily routine. Sometimes all they want is to have a say. When kids have the power to choose, it enables them to become more engaged and buy into what happens next. Try letting them pick the activity that goes along with your lesson or their homework assignment. This will certainly make learning more engaging for them.

Incorporate games

What's more enjoyable than a game? Games are the best way to add instant engagement to your lesson plan. They make learning more fun, from memorization drills to review time. Kids will look forward to reviewing days and other lessons if they know it’s game on.

You can use pre-made technology games for topics like science and mathematics.

Give breaks

All humans usually reboot by taking breaks. Breaks are essential even if it's just allocating 15 minutes of free time here or there. Or, plan out the learning schedule to be broken up between a combination of different learning activities, such as, sports, music, and art to balance alongside lessons that require a higher attention span.

Incorporate hands-on learning

Apply hands-on activities to almost any subject, from a preschool alphabet lesson to English, mathematics, and geography. An action-oriented assignment, like an arts and crafts project, is more meaningful and fun to children and will likely be the lesson they remember most.

Get creative by thinking outside the box and make learning more appealing for kids by trying the tips above.