Published By: Darielle Britto

Tips To Make Mundane Tasks More Meaningful

Here's a way to get mundane tasks done quickly.

Certain tasks need to get done no matter what even if you don't want to do them. Mundane tasks, like making your bed or doing the laundry can feel like a pesky chore. Plus, there are mundane tasks at work that can feel boring, like going through email and sorting out paperwork. Like it or not, these kinds of tasks have to get done regardless of how you feel. However, turning these tasks into meaningful work could motivate you to get them done faster. Changing your mindset and approach towards these tasks could make doing mundane tasks feel more enjoyable. Here are some strategies to adopt that could help you come up with a solution to this particular problem.

Accept the thing you cannot avoid

There is a big difference between not wanting to do something and having to do it no matter what. You can't sweep mundane but important things under the rug and pretend it is not there. Eventually, you will have to get to it. That is why the first thing you need to do is accept the unavoidable. It may be easier said than done, but embracing what you can't change could help you move forward and get things done at a faster pace. When you acknowledge that a task needs to be done, you are more likely to add it to your priority list. You should also think about the consequences of not doing it. Not taking action on some tasks may make the work pile up more. If there is something you are least excited about doing, make it the first task you tackle in the day. This way you can relax knowing it is taken care of and not stress over it.

Speed things up

Find ways to speed up the process of any mundane tasks. Take stock of what you need to do and how much time it will take to get done. Mundane tasks can be time-consuming. Planning is key in this case. Experiment with various strategies until you find what works for you.

Find a suitable distraction

Have you tried the chunking method? It is essentially doing two tasks at the same time. For instance, you can work out while you watch TV if you do not love exercising regularly. You could even listen to an audiobook or podcast while you fold the laundry.