Published By: Rinks

Tired Of Buying New Shoes? Here Is How To Extend The Lifespan Of Your Old Shoes

Want to know the secret to extending the life of your shoes? Here it is! Read on to know how to

maintain shoes that look brand new no matter how many times you wear them.

Shoes are not just functional items; they are also fashion statements that can make or break an outfit. Whether you have a collection of designer shoes or a few cherished pairs, it's essential to take proper care of them to ensure they last longer and retain their appeal. In this article, we will share some valuable tips and tricks for cleaning, maintaining, and extending the lifespan of your beloved shoes.

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is vital to keep your shoes looking fresh and free from dirt and stains. For leather shoes, use cleaners specifically designed for the material. For fabric or canvas shoes, mix a small amount of mild detergent with water and gently scrub the surface with a soft brush. Remember to spot-test the cleaning solution in an inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire shoe.

Proper Storage

How you store your shoes can significantly impact their longevity. Avoid tossing them in a heap at the bottom of your closet. Instead, use shoe racks or shelves to keep them organized and prevent unnecessary wear and tear. Consider investing in shoe inserts or stuffing them with tissue paper to help maintain their shape. Additionally, store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent discoloration or damage.

Protecting Against Environment

Protecting your shoes from harsh weather conditions is crucial for their maintenance. Apply a water-repellent spray or a protective coating to shield them from moisture, stains, and spills. This is particularly important for suede or leather shoes. Remember to reapply the protective spray periodically, especially if you find your shoes getting damp or exposed to rainy weather.

Change Your Shoes

Wearing the same pair of shoes every day can lead to faster wear and tear. To extend their lifespan, rotate your shoes and give them a break. Alternating between different pairs allows them to dry out and breathe, reducing the risk of odor and bacterial growth. It also distributes the impact of walking or running, preventing excessive wear on one pair.

Handle With Care

How you handle your shoes during daily activities can make a significant difference in their durability. Avoid excessive bending or twisting, as this can cause structural damage. When putting on or taking off your shoes, use a shoehorn to prevent unnecessary strain on the heel or back of the shoe. Additionally, untie or loosen shoelaces before removing your shoes to prevent damage to the shoe's shape.

Get A Professional Repair Done

Don't hesitate to seek professional shoe repair services when necessary. If you notice significant wear, loose soles, or broken heels, taking them to a reputable cobbler can help restore them to their original condition. Promptly addressing minor repairs can prevent further damage and prolong the lifespan of your shoes.