Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Toothache Bothering You At Midnight? This Oil Can Help You

A toothache can strike at the most inconvenient times, often intensifying during the night.

While a visit to the dentist is the best course of action for any dental pain, there are instances when immediate professional help isn't available. In such situations, many turn to home remedies for temporary relief. Among these, the use of certain oils has gained popularity. Clove oil, in particular, stands out for its pain-relieving properties.

The Science Behind Clove Oil for Toothaches

Clove oil, derived from the tree named Syzygium aromaticum, has a long history in traditional medicine. Its primary compound, eugenol, is what gives clove oil its analgesic (pain-relieving) and antiseptic properties. According to a study, eugenol has proven effective in reducing dental pain, with its efficacy comparable to that of benzocaine, a topical anesthetic.

How to Use Clove Oil for Toothache Relief

Using clove oil for toothache relief is relatively simple:

Dilute the Oil

Pure clove oil is potent and can cause irritation if applied directly. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil like olive or coconut oil.

Apply with Care

Soak a small piece of cotton in the diluted oil and place it on the affected tooth for several minutes. Avoid swallowing the oil.

Repeat if Necessary

The effect typically lasts for a few hours. You can reapply as needed, but avoid overuse as it can irritate the gums and oral tissues.

Precautions and Considerations

While clove oil is generally safe when used correctly, it's important to consider the following:

Allergic Reactions

Some people may be allergic to clove oil. It's advisable to test a small amount on your skin before oral application.

Not a Cure

Clove oil provides temporary relief and is not a substitute for professional dental treatment.

Children and Expecting Mothers

Consult a healthcare provider before using clove oil in these groups, as it can be potent.

Limitations and Potential Side Effects

Overuse or improper application of clove oil can lead to complications, such as:

Irritation and Burning

Applying undiluted clove oil or using it too frequently can irritate the gums, the oral mucous membrane, and the skin.

Tooth Damage

Prolonged exposure to eugenol can weaken the tooth pulp if used excessively.

Alternative Remedies and Their Efficacy

Other home remedies for toothache include:

Saltwater Rinse

Helps in cleaning the mouth and reducing swelling. A study in the Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry found that saltwater rinses can aid in oral health.

Peppermint Tea Bags

Known for their numbing properties, they can be applied cool to the affected area.


With its antimicrobial properties, garlic can provide temporary relief. However, its effectiveness is less documented in scientific literature compared to clove oil.

Clove Oil vs Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

While clove oil is a natural remedy, over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen are often more predictable in their pain relief. However, they don't have the antiseptic properties of clove oil and can have side effects when taken in large doses. As always, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for chronic or severe pain.

Clove oil can be a valuable remedy for midnight toothaches, offering temporary relief. Its natural analgesic properties make it an attractive alternative to over-the-counter options. However, it's crucial to remember that it's not a cure for underlying dental issues. Regular dental check-ups and professional treatment are essential for long-term oral health.