Published By: Urbee Sarkar

Training Tips For Basketball Beginners

You might want to take a look at a few tips before your start dribbling your ball!

Basketball is one of the toughest games to play. It requires huge stamina, strength, alertness and speed. If you are just getting started at basketball, there’s more than just dribbling and throwing the ball in the basket that you need to focus on. Practice, practice and practice should be your main goal if you want to be a pro level basketball player. However, what you would need the most is determination and the ability to stick to your set goals. Here are a few tips that would help you train better when you are just getting started with basketball.

Get In Shape

Basketball is one of the most challenging sports that you will ever play. It challenges you physically and you don’t have a moment to stop and think. There’s no time to die in basketball, folks. So, the first thing to focus on if you want to be a good basketball player is getting in shape. You will have to be constantly in a good condition physically. You will have to strengthen your feet and increase your stamina. The better shape you are in, the more stamina you will have. Incorporate running in your workout routine without fail as it will help you improve your cardiovascular fitness which is highly important in playing basketball.

Dribble The Ball With Your Weak Hand

Anybody can dribble with their dominant and stronger hand. The real challenge is to dribble the ball with your weak hand. Practice dribbling with your weak hand until you have mastered the motion with both your hands. Keep your head up while you are practicing your dribbling in order to be able to see what’s happening around you. This is important because at the basketball court you will not be looking at the ball while dribbling and will have to be alert at all times as to what’s happening around you in the court. Moreover, remember to dribble only as fast as you can while still being in control of the ball.

Practice Jumping

Often people don’t pay attention to the jumping techniques during basketball training. However, jumping is more important that practicing shooting baskets because the ability to jump high for blocking shots, collecting rebounds and shooting baskets is important. Practice vertical jumping techniques to master and improve your performance.