Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Tricks For Healthier, Fuller-Looking Hair

When talking about hair, genetics are important, but so is your hair's health. Learn how proper care and a healthy diet can make your hair shine.

Getting a head full of glossy tresses is not that difficult! All you need to do is tweak your lifestyle a bit! Here’s what you can do:

Get more protein

Hair and scalp health is directly affected by a healthy diet. Protein is the basic building block of hair, so make sure that your protein intake is 30% of your calorific intake. Inadequate protein intake can lead to weak hair, brittle hair, and even hair loss.

Zinc is everywhere

Zinc deficiency can be a significant cause of hair fall. To combat hair loss, eat nuts such as Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews and pecans. Consume lots of: vegetables


leafy green salads

Plenty of clean, filtered water

When necessary, a multivitamin or zinc supplement can be used to enhance your diet.

Omega makes your hair nice

Omega-3 fatty acids help stimulate our hair follicles and sebaceous glands and hence we need to incorporate more Omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods in our diet. Although it won't make your hair grow faster, it can improve your scalp health.

You can also find them in:



cottage cheese

Non-veg sources

Know your hair

There are many opinions on how often you should shampoo your hair. Personal preference and individual needs are what determine how often you shampoo your hair.

Your hair texture and type

How frequently you use hair products

Your activity level

People with oily hair might need to shampoo their hair every day. However, people with dry hair might not need to shampoo as often.

Select the right shampoo

Hair damage can be severe if you use the wrong shampoo or styling agent. It would help if you chose the right shampoo and styling agent for your hair type, oily, normal or dry, and address any issues such as dandruff.

Avoid shampoos containing harsh ingredients like sodium lauryl, ammonium lauryl and sodium lauryl. Remember that price does not necessarily mean quality.

Condition your hair After shampooing, conditioning is vital to keep your hair silky, soft, and manageable. You have two options: a shampoo that contains a conditioner or one with a built-in conditioner.

For even distribution, comb the conditioner through. Allow it to sit on your hair for 2-3 minutes, then rinse off. Hair washing is not the same as hair conditioning. Not everyone has to condition their hair every time. You can experiment to discover what works for you.