Published By: Shriparna

Truth about your double chin; what is really causing it and how to get rid of it

When the skin under our jaw begins to sag, it creates the same effect as if we were carrying extra fat in the same space.

Double chin is just a layer of fat that has formed underneath your chin. When the layer gets substantial , it appears as an extra chin, the double chin. But the fact is, you do not have to be overweight for this to happen to you.Some people are genetically predisposed to a double chin, meaning they have a family history of skin with little elasticity,

Reasons why one can have double chin

When you start to gain weight over muscles, your chin weakens and the skin around it becomes looser.

A bad posture can also loosen muscles around neck causing a dropping chin. While you use laptops too much, you crane your neck to look forward causing the skin to loosen.

When the skin under our jaw begins to sag, it creates the same effect as if we were carrying extra fat in the same space.

People with recessive chins and weak jawlines will find themselves more susceptible to developing a double chin. This is simply because, for these individuals, the skin is stretched over a smaller area.

How to get rid of double chin

To get rid of double chin caused by excessive fat or sagging skin, a multipronged approach might be necessary.

Common solutions for this problem are:

Pout your lips as if to kiss the sky and stretch them as far away from the face as possible.Your neck muscles should feel flexed but not painful.You should hold this for five to 20 seconds and repeat 10 to 15 times.

Chewing gum is like a mild form of exercise for your mouth and can strengthen the muscles around your jaw to keep a double chin at bay, Chewing gum also cuts down on craving reducing calorie intake.

Reduce your sodium intake with meals, use skin care products that inhibits collagen production and increase skin cell turnover, making your skin look and behave years younger.

There are clinical options available as well like derma filler that can be administered along the angle of the jawline to increase definition and reduce the appearance of a double chin.

Botox can be administered to the muscles of the jawline and neck to achieve a lifting effect that minimizes the appearance of a double chin.

Apart from all these measures maintaining a healthy lifestyle, having plenty of water and eating balanced meals is necessary to get rid of face fat or double chin.