Published By: Urbee Sarkar

Types Of Employees You Will Find In Any Workplace

It takes a village to run an office!

It takes all kinds of people to run a workplace. Anybody who has ever worked in an office would know that your find a range of personalities in the workplace. In fact, the diversity of personality is what makes a workplace so versatile, colorful and fun. The chaos and the commotion of the busy workplace could bring out the worst and the best in some of us. An office is a unique combination of a variety of people with different strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics. From the office prankster to the one who sucks up to the boss, have you ever wondered which one are you? Here are a few types of employees that you will always find in an office.

The Micromanager

Nobody likes a micromanager and honestly, nobody wants to be one. However, undoubtedly you will find a micromanager on the office floor in any corner of the world. They are ubiquitous and in every industry and workplace. How do you identify a micromanager in an office? You can spot them a distance by just their hovering behavior. It is borderline compulsive. Usually a micromanager has the role of a boss or a manager and they find it hard to leave their subordinates alone. They will constantly be aware of everything you do, question every move you make, ask for updates every two minutes and find it unable to give up control.

The Lazy One

These employees live under the shadows of the overcommitted employees and even the micromanagers. They absolutely do nothing all day and while you may think that their job is hanging on a fine thread, somehow they always find a way to stay. You will find them loitering around the office all day going from cubicle to cubicle for a chat. If not that, you will find them doing nothing but staring standing at a corner. They are usually average workers and somehow manage to keep their boat afloat.

The Know It All

This type of employees is the most annoying of all! They have answers to everything. They don’t miss one opportunity to gloat about their knowledge of a subject. They will fill you in about their important insights at every chance they get even if you have never asked for it. They don’t shut up during meetings and would give out free and unwarranted advice.