Published By: Satavisha

Unveil The Japanese Secret To A Rewarding And Long Life: Master The Art Of Ikigai

Since the dawn of timemankind has been looking for the secret recipe for a long and rewarding life. It is perhaps the fear and grief of bidding farewell to our loved ones and this worldthat encourages us to beat the odds and live a long life.

Ikigai is a Japanese philosophy, and is indisputably the oldest belief in existence. Ikigai translates to “a reason for being” in Japanese. According to this philosophy, possessing a well-defined purpose in life is associated with high life expectancy—and this lifestyle is prominent in Okinawa. If you desire to unveil the Japanese secret to a long and rewarding life, we have decoded some of its main principles for you to follow.

Free yourself

When you free yourself, you learn to release your obsessions and turn to things that really matter to you. You can view things in a clearer light. The art of learning self-acceptance plays a vital role in Ikigai — yet, this task is extremely difficult to accomplish. But if you learn to overcome this hindrance and embrace your true self, the experience can be truly rewarding.

Focus on sustainability and harmony.

You cannot attain your goals if you constantly engage yourself in arguments with the people surrounding you. Practicing — and maintaining — a healthy sense of community can offer you a strong support system — helping you face challenges without losing hope and determination.

Do not overeat. Stop filling yourself with food after you are 80 percent full.

Ikigai recommends the practice of quitting eating when you are 80 percent full. This habit will help check overeating and mitigate your overall calorie consumption every day. The natives of Japan also savor every bite of their meal. They also keep away from consuming unhealthy foods because they are terrible for health. The Okinawan diet ideally constitutes vegetables, tofu, and fish.

Smile more

Smiling can instantly boost your mood and induce positivity in you and also those surrounding you. The philosophy of ikigai advocates the practice of smiling more to promote well-being and happiness. Smiling releases endorphins—as a result—you will instantly feel delighted. Second, a smile can help you connect with people. Third, a smiling face can make you more attractive. So if you ever feel low—try smiling—you will be surprised to find out how it can uplift your mood almost instantly!

Surround yourself with good friends.

Research suggests that involvement in social connections can be beneficial for our mental and physical well-being. Bonding with others can help improve your psychological health and longevity. Conversely, absence of social interaction can adversely impact your health. Humans are wired to flourish through meaningful social connections. Your loved ones can provide the social support you need to live a long life.

These are just a few principles of ikigai—but as a beginner—you can start small with these tips.