Published By: Rinks

Vital Signs Of A Child's Developmental Delay

When it comes to developmental delays, it's essential to know what they are and how to tell if your kid has one.

Do you have any reason to believe your child is experiencing developmental delays? When a kid fails to meet an expected developmental milestone at the usual time, a developmental delay may be suspected. Depending on the severity of the issue, they might be minor or significant. The vast majority of developmental delays are minor and resolved on their own. For others, the cause is unknown. The good news is that you can do things if your child has a developmental delay.

Speech And Language

Language, rather than speaking, refer to your child's ability to communicate and receive information. In toddlers, speech and language delays are frequent. Most children with developmental delays suffer from them.

You can tell whether your newborn or toddler has a language delay by looking out for these signs:

When a baby is 3 to 4 months old, they stop babbling or responding to loud stimuli.

Attempts to replicate sounds before the age of four months

No response to sound by the time he's seven months old

Doesn't say a single word till they are one year old.

Doesn't have the ability to speak at least 15 words; they either mimic or do not talk.

Deficiency In Gross Motor Skills

Crawling and walking are both affected by the gross motor delay. While a child's ability to use utensils or hold a crayon. Early birth, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and visual impairments are the most common reasons.

Observe these indications if you feel that your child has a developmental delay in motor skills:

Until the age of 3 or 4 months, a baby cannot grip or hold items

It does not change course in either direction for 5 months.

Unable to stand or sit without assistance for 6 months

By seven months, the baby has stopped reaching for things.

If a child cannot crawl or stand without assistance by the age of one year.

By 18 months, a child cannot walk or maneuver a wheeled toy.


During the first six months of a baby's life, their vision is often hazy. It will eventually get better. You should be aware of several warning indicators if this doesn't happen.

You can tell whether your newborn or toddler has a visual delay by looking out for these symptoms:

After two months, there is no hand sign.

Does not keep track of moving things with their eyes after three months.

Frequently squints or dribbles tears out of the eyes after six months.

Doesn't have the ability to follow objects that are at least 1 foot away or 6 feet away with both eyes by the age of 6 months.