Walking Away from these Bad Eating Habits

A topsy-turvy schedule oft compels in overeating, under-eating and carefully skipping through nutritious meals in a bid to eat delish and easy and leaves a trail of destructive health consequences in its wake

Terrible eating habits are nurtured when you surrender to impulse eating, junk, binge-watching, insomnia, insurmountable workload and irresistible temptations when it comes to food.

If you are yet to be aware of the series of worst food choices you commit daily, take a glance at some of those as you strategise your way out of the quagmire.

Eating on the Go

As you grab a bite on your way, you simply gulp down the food which increases the propensity of obesity or metabolic syndrome subsequently increasing the risks of stroke, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Continued habit of fast eating is directly proportional to acid reflux. If you are on diet, all the goodness of it is being undone by grabbing a bite since this compels you to eat more than the usual quantity.

Plan in a way that allows ample time to chew the food and allows your taste buds to relish the meal. You may want to converse a bit in between mouthfuls to slow down the process.

Eating in Chunks 

Giant morsels or quantities make for an equally bizarre and vicious cycle of eating which not merely results in bloating but triggers an uncomfortable and sluggish feeling.

As a way out, use smaller plates and commence the meal with veggie soup or salad. Assimilate protein, complex carbs and high-fat food as suggested by nutritionist or as you deem fit and munch it slowly. Avoid directly sourcing from the container which further intercepts healthy eating.

Swallowing too Much Liquid Calories 

Liquid calories are worst since liquid intake inevitably leads to exhaustion without even satiating your hunger. In fact, with liquid calories, daily calorie consumption shots up dramatically. Sipping on sugar-sweetened drinks by ditching solid food is a blunder, health-wise.

To overcome this obstacle and achieve fitness, drink plenty of water, plan meals comprising solid food and limit, if not eliminate gradually, aerated drinks, coffee and tea.

Eating Frantically at Irregular Hours

Irregular scheduling of meals results in fatigue, a decrease in muscle mass and Type 2 diabetes making you prone to mood swings and failing cognitive faculties.

While timing your meals is important, it is equally necessary to follow the time every day and without fail. On this note, steer clear from eating when you are in a bad phase or stressed because that is equally disastrous to health.

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