Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Ways Braces Can Improve Your Oral Health

Almost everything you put in your mouth might affect your teeth and gums.

Digestive wellness is directly tied to dental health. Though there are several approaches to bettering your dental health, there is currently just one method for addressing more serious problems, such as a faulty bite or crooked teeth. Braces are used in orthodontics that can assist people of any age to have straighter teeth and better overall dental health. Learn the benefits of orthodontic treatment for better teeth and gums.

Why You Should Get Braces

Reducing the Risk of Gum Disease and Tooth Decay

If your teeth aren't properly aligned, you may have gaps between them. Plaque forms from leftover food and increases the risk of gum disease, tooth damage, and even an infection spreading to other mouth regions.

Braces are effective methods for straightening teeth by progressively closing gaps and bringing teeth into proper alignment. Teeth that are properly aligned make brushing and flossing considerably easier, leading to better overall dental health.

Corrects Your Bite

A malocclusion, or misaligned jaw, may make even simple activities like eating and talking very difficult. Bite problems, like those listed below, can be caused by a malocclusion.


When the upper front teeth extend over the lower front teeth, we say that the patient has overlapping dentition. Though a minor overbite is not unusual, your orthodontist will decide if braces are necessary.


When someone with this ailment closes their mouth, their lower front teeth will cover their upper front teeth. Those afflicted with this dental condition often have a prominent lower jaw. Orthodontic braces are an effective treatment option for underbite issues.


In a crossbite, the upper and lower jaws are not properly aligned, causing excessive tooth wear. The lower jaw may be used again in extremely unusual circumstances. Facial asymmetry is a common problem shared by many people suffering from crossbites.


While the upper and lower front teeth don't come together when the mouth is closed, this is called an open bite—suggesting that biting down causes significant wear and tear on the molars. A lisp or other speech difficulty might result in severe circumstances. Orthodontic braces are the most effective treatment for this issue. They aid with jaw relocation, which improves both speaking and chewing.

Teeth Overlap

When teeth overlap, it can be difficult to keep them clean because it is difficult to get to the back of the mouth with a toothbrush. Crowding problems like gum disease and tooth decay can be prevented using braces.

Eliminates Spaces Between Teeth

Food particles caught in the crevices between your teeth serve as a magnet for the plaque that leads to bad breath. Braces can help a great deal.

Relieves symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder

Jaw locking, also known as Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) syndrome, is characterized by painful clicking noises made by the jaw joints. This can be treated using braces.