Published By: Elisa Ghosh

Ways through which full moon may affect your health

There will be a full moon soon. We suppose you have often heard that the world feels a little out of balance around this period.

Kids misbehave, adults get impatient more, there are more vehicle accidents etc. There is ample proof that certain people exhibit erratic behaviour around the time of a full moon-in fact, the word “lunatic” is derived from the Latin Luna, which means moon. Can a full moon affect our health? Does the lunar also have an impact on our physical health? We consulted some authorities on the subject. Check out what scientists found!


Can the phases of the moon affect your heart? Evidently, but not in a sentimental way. According to research in the Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research, the full and new moons are when your heart is working at its best while exercising. So, before going to the gym, check the Moon's phases!


According to English studies, this is also when more individuals are frequently admitted to hospitals with urological emergencies. But on the other hand, those with these conditions experienced a "calming effect" from the new moon. Coincidence? Perhaps not. According to the theory underlying these conclusions, the kidneys, like other organs and the human body as a whole, comprise about 60% water. So, it is evident that just as lunar activity can affect our oceans, producing solid and predictable tides, it may also impact the functioning of these organs, resulting in a discernible ebb and flow during times of calm and discomfort.


Because human brains are a significant water supply and the Moon controls the ebb and the flow of tides, Dutch researchers theorise that the Moon’s gravitational force may similarly impact your brain, leading to erratic behaviour. For example, British researchers say an epileptic patient's seizure activity may reduce around a full moon.


Sleep patterns get disrupted due to a full moon. When sleep patterns were examined, it was found that when the data were matched to lunar phases, participants not only had lower melatonin levels but also took longer to fall asleep, slept for a shorter period overall, and had 30% less REM sleep. Additionally, your health will only improve if you get enough sleep.

How about your health? Do you notice any changes when the moon is full?