Published By: Puja Sinha

Ways to Curb Midnight Cravings

Midnight cravings contribute to excess body fat and mood swings subsequently affecting the natural circadian rhythm

Because the late-night junk food craving won’t just quit by itself.

Turn off Gadgets: Even nonchalant use of gadgets once you have climbed on bed post-dinner delays sleep thereby damaging the satiety hormones. While we may find the willy-nilly scrolling or tap-tapping pretty harmless—a leisure activity till sleep finally dawns, we unwittingly increase stress levels, become distracted and take a long time to fall asleep. This ultimately results in pangs of hunger even after a full meal.

Identify Triggers: A versatile range of factors can instigate you to chew on that extra morsel. Be it workload, hyperactivity, loneliness, sense of loss, stress, sadness, anxiety or chronic depression, it is important to zero in on the factors that provoke binge-eating or make you bully yourself into eating excess. Experts have suggested mindful eating, meal planning and following a balanced diet to prevent the frequency with which you binge-eat till the urge dissipates over days of dedicated practice

Drink Water: Studies have found that a hydrated and moisture replenished body actively helps you to reduce calorie intake, cravings and sleeplessness. A cup of aromatic, herbal tea might also do the magic for you!

Stick to a Schedule: Try following a strict diet schedule throughout the day which will stipulate the time and quantity you are eating. A structured way of doing daily activities also organises eating habits which can otherwise go haywire, and especially if you are overworking or sleeping at wrong times. Once you have a firm grip on your day’s schedule, try methodically sorting out sleep schedule. Once you improve sleep quality and duration, you can automatically cut down on calorie intake and fix unhealthy cravings.

Get Enough Sleep: Sleep deprivation and poor eating habits—binge-eating resulting in merciless pangs of shame and guilt, is a vicious cycle and compels you to obsessively much on high-calorie junk. Skimping on sleep to work overtime results in massive cravings and overeating innutritious food which again negatively influences night sleep leaving you drowsy and cranky during the day.

Try Therapy: Binge-eating disorder apps and in-person therapy are equally resourceful if you have run out of ways to fix the endless continuum of cramming food inside mouth. Therapy helps you to identify the genesis of binge-eating and learn coping skills to diminish the urges. A scientific way of approaching the compulsion is a potent antidote if you are perennially trapped in complete loss of self-control and self-pity after each episodic outburst of over-eating.