Published By: Urbee Sarkar

Ways To Learn New Skills Faster

Divide and conquer to learn new skills in no time!

Picking up new skills is seen as an important quality, especially in our workplaces. However, times have changed and by that we mean even twenty four hours a day don’t seem to be enough anymore. In such cases, it becomes imperative that we pick up skills faster to keep up with the competition as well as to sustain ourselves. However, lour learning habits are not typically set on a high speed mode. Complex skills require picking up certain smaller bundles of small skills that require dedication and time. Nevertheless, don’t let anyone tell you that you will not be able to pick up complex skills faster. Here are a few ways that would help you learn a new skill fast.

Deconstruct And Build

There are many components of a skill. Break down the skill you want to learn into smaller chunks and focus on one chunk at a time. This will help you master the techniques in an isolated portion and you can pay an equal amount of attention to all the parts of the skill. As a result, you will learn the skill faster and better. Recognising patterns in a skill is crucial to this hack. Therefore, when you decide to learn a skill, observe and study the skill closely at first. Break it down into small components and focus on one little component at a time.

Follow The Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle is an interesting way to learn any new skill faster. It is also known as the 80-20 rule. According to the Pareto Principle, when you are looking to learn a new skill, identify the 20 percent of the work that needs to be done to get 80 percent of the result. For example, if you are looking to learn a new language, find out the words that are most used in the language and learn their application to be able to learn 80 percent of the language.

Join A Group

Joining or forming a group with people having the same interests as you in learning a particular skill would help you learn that skill faster. Learning a skill becomes significantly faster when it is done in a peer group. It is because you are motivated and encouraged looking at the progress of your group members that would help you to stay true to your goals.