Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Weird Things That Make You Look Tired, And How To Avoid Them

It's normal to look exhausted or tired one or two days a month. But if you look sluggish all the time, it may affect your professional and personal life. Here are things you need to avoid to look fresh all day, every day.

If you're running through your super busy life, longing for a nap or a cup of coffee, you need to examine your lifestyle and make changes. If you're experiencing intense fatigue that is accompanied by other symptoms or so intense that you are unable to function normally, take a trip to your physician. It's not necessary to accept fatigue as normal, particularly if you've got a clear report of health. There are many changes you can make to boost your energy levels:

Prioritize Your Sleep

Sleep is just as crucial for your health as regular eating habits and exercising. Do not put it off to accommodate other things. Sleeping insufficiently or less than 7 hours per night is the main cause of fatigue. Apart from being tired, sleep deprivation is also linked to a higher risk of accidents that cause serious injury and the following health concerns:

Immune deficiency



Heart issues

Memory impairment, impaired thinking and mood

Weight gain

Find the right balance. Most adults thrive with seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Include more Protein

If your typical breakfast is a doughnut, muffin or bowl of sugary cereal or worse, no food whatsoever, you're likely to experience the effects of fatigue only a few hours into the day. Consuming an excessive amount of carbohydrates causes a surge in blood sugar levels, which is then followed by a crash that could make you crave sugary treats for the rest of the day. You can spread peanut butter over toast made of whole wheat or enjoy a bowl of yogurt with fruits for breakfast. Instead of a sweet treat, try apple slices and a small portion of cheese.

Include protein in every meal and eat snacks that contain protein and carbs. Protein can ward off extreme changes in blood sugar levels, and can make you feel more alert.

Limit Caffeine

Caffeine, whether in the form of tea, coffee or soda, energy drinks, and even chocolate, may affect your sleep, which can cut down on your restorative stage of sleep, and reduce your alertness the next day. Be aware of your intake of caffeine as the FDA recommends not exceeding 400 milligrams (about 4 or 5 cups of tea) daily. Stay clear of caffeine for at least six hours before sleeping time.

Make an Effort to Move More

This may sound counter-intuitive, however, everyday fatigue could be your body's way of saying it needs more physical activity. Exercise increases the rate of metabolism, improves your mood and makes you sleep better at night.

It's not necessary to devote all day to the gym or even spend the recommended 30 minutes at a time. Do a 20-minute brisk walk around the block in the morning and then perform an easy 10-minute stair-climb during the daytime.