Published By: Sayan Paul

What are the health benefits of foxtail millet?

Foxtail millet is widely known for its rich nutritional value.

Moreover, it makes a healthier alternative to rice, both white and brown.

As per evidence, its regular consumption is linked to a wide range of health benefits.

Foxtail Millet - the second-largest species of millets - has always been in the good books of fitness enthusiasts from all over the world. It has several other names like Awa, Bertia, Sekui, Morap, Pabbio Coltivato, Panico Degli Uccelli, Mijo De Italia, and more. Precisely, these are tiny seeds that boast a size of around 2 mm and are available in light white, red, black, brown, or yellow color. Now, when it comes to nutritional value, foxtail millet is a powerhouse of fiber, protein, healthy fat, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamine, niacin, folic acid, etc. Without further ado, let's have a look at the potential health benefits that foxtail millet has to offer.

It may support digestion

Foxtail millet is packed with dietary fiber that helps improve the overall functioning of your digestive system. Also, it prevents several issues such as gas, diarrhea, IBS, and more. Cook it with a variety of veggies to get the best results.

It may strengthen the nervous system

It's an excellent source of protein that aids in the functioning of your nervous system. It's gluten-free and also loaded with a high amount of vitamin B1, thus reducing your risk of various neurological disorders (including Alzheimer’s disease). Moreover, the high fiber content found in the foxtail millet provides oxygenation to the brain, which further results in stimulating your cognitive functions.

It may aid in weight loss

It's needless to say that the dietary fiber present in foxtail millet may help your body to shed the excess kilos. Also, it contains tryptophan - a type of amino acid - that digests slowly in the body and eventually restricts you from overeating throughout the day. So, if you're struggling with obesity, do incorporate foxtail millet into your diet.

It may maintain bone strength

A 100-gram serving of foxtail millet contains more than 30 mg of calcium. This mineral prevents bone loss and also aids in bone mineral density. Moreover, it reduces your risk of developing osteoporosis to a great extent. Foxtail millet is also rich in iron and vitamin D, both contribute to the purpose as well.

It may promote heart health

Foxtail millet is gluten-free, high in protein, and extremely low in carbs - so, it's evident that regular consumption of foxtail millet is beneficial for your heart health. Also, it contains vitamin B1 that reduces the risk of blockage in the heart, which further prevents your risk of developing many issues. Moreover, it's packed with various amino acids that lower LDL cholesterol levels, thus helping your heart to function properly.

Besides, foxtail millet may also control diabetes, boost immunity, support brain development, enhance skin health, and prevent the risk of certain types of cancer.