What Are The Main Forms Of Green Energy
Even though most of us have come across the term, ‘green energy sources’ at some point in time, it has not been used by a majority of us. Read on to know them all.
The term "renewable energy" refers to that which comes from natural resources that are renewed at a faster pace than they are depleted. Examples of such renewable resources are sunlight and wind. Renewable energy sources abound and are easily accessible. On the contrary hand, coal, oil, and gas that are all examples of fossil fuels, which are not renewable since they are formed over hundreds of billions of years. When fossil fuels are used for power, they release dangerous greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Power plants that use renewable resources to generate electricity produce much fewer greenhouse gas emissions than conventional power plants.
Solar Energy
Being the most plentiful kind of renewable energy, solar power may be utilized even on cloudy days. The pace at which the Earth absorbs solar energy is around 10,000 times faster than the rate at which humanity uses energy. Solar energy systems may provide a wide range of useful services, including thermal comfort, illumination, energy, and fuel. With the use of photovoltaic panels or mirrors that focus on the sun's rays, solar technologies may transform solar energy into usable electricity.
Wind Energy
Wind energy is generated from the angular momentum of flowing air through the use of enormous wind turbines that may be installed on land or in saltwater (offshore) (offshore). While offshore and onshore wind renewable technologies have been around for a while, in recent years advancements have allowed for higher turbines and bigger rotor diameters, greatly increasing the amount of power generated.
Geothermal Energy
To generate electricity, geothermal energy harnesses the readily available heat from deep inside the planet. Wells and other methods are used to draw heat from geothermal reserves. Hydrothermal reservoirs are those that are sufficiently heated and permeable, whereas enhanced geothermal systems are those that begin with reservoirs that are adequately hot but are then improved by hydraulic stimulation.
When water flows from high to low elevations, it carries with it a lot of potential energy that may be harnessed and used to power machines. The water in lakes and rivers may be used to produce it. Power for reservoir hydroelectric plants comes from water held in a reservoir, whereas electricity for run-of-river plants is drawn from the river's natural flow. Drinking water, irrigation water, flood and drought management, navigation services, and power generation are just some of the many benefits provided by hydropower reservoirs.
Ocean Energy
The term "ocean energy" refers to the generation of thermal or electrical power from the kinetic energy of moving water in the ocean (such as waves or currents). There are now a variety of prototype tidal and wave current devices being examined as part of the early development of ocean energy systems. Ocean energy has theoretical potential far beyond actual human energy needs.
Wood, charcoal, dung, and other manures are all examples of biomass that may be used to generate heat and electricity, while agricultural products can be converted into liquid biofuels. The majority of the world's poor live in rural regions, where much of the biomass is utilized for daily activities like cooking, lighting, and heating.