Published By: Nirtika Pandita

What does Flexitarian Diet mean and how to start it

With no hard and fast rule to follow, this diet is the thing

As the name suggests, Flexitarian diet is the amalgamation of two words: flexible and vegetarian. Though the term was coined a decade ago by American dietician Dawn Jackson Blatner in 2008, is slowly taking prominence in the field of diets. The Flexitarian Diet is a style of eating that encourages mostly plant-based foods while allowing the consumption of meat and other animal products in moderation. It is more kind of flexible diet than being fully vegetarian or on a vegan diet.

The idea behind the Flexitarian Diet is to have a more flexible approach to vegetarianism, and not being hardbound on reaping the benefits from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In this diet, you can be a vegetarian and at the same time gulp down a steak when the cravings hits. But the intake has to be more of plants and less meat.

It is more of a lifestyle than a diet

There are not strict or clear cut rules or any recommended number of calories and macronutrients that one needs to consume under a flexitarian diet. It is a semi-vegetarian eating style, thus no specific rules or suggestions.

Eat mostly fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Focus on protein from plants instead of animals. Well, the whole point is to be flexible, so incorporate meat and animal products from time to time. However, eat no processed food and try to consume foods in the most natural form.

It also requires one to limit the intake of added sugar and sweets. The overall goal is to eat more nutritious plant foods and less meat.

The benefits of the flexitarian diet It helps reduce blood pressure since we are reducing the meat intake. Food portion control helps in reducing body weight.

It helps improve metabolic health and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. To people with inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, it helps in keeping the stomach cool and healthy. Since we include lots of fruits and vegetables, it helps with adequate fiber intake that further helps with digestion and absorption of nutrients. This diet also helps in keeping the heart-healthy, gives a person enough vitamins and minerals.

Good for the environment and affordable Most importantly, this diet is good for the environment since we reduce the intake of meat. And since it is based on food materials that are not hard-to-find, the buying of food products is easy.