Published By: Elisa Ghosh

What does your pet preference say about you?

Want some personality tests? Your pet choice will do it for you!

Pets are our best companions. Not only that, they have a secret power of spreading energy and happiness around. Did you know your pet preference tells a lot about you? The personality traits you have can be determined by the pet you own. It is said that a dog person has a set of personality tarot while a cat person has another set. Let us see and analyze for ourselves what does our pet choice have to say for us and we’ll get to know a little more about our personality.

Dog Person

If you love seeing your puppy hopping around, then there’s a whole lot of personality traits stored for you. A dog person is generally outspoken and kind of more agreeable than a cat person. A dog person is an extrovert and people love being around you because you have a fun trait of personality.

You love adventure and look around to source entertainment and are full of energy. It is also found that a dog person strictly follows rules. Interestingly if you are a dog person, you’ll surely have a trait of self-confidence, persistence, assertiveness, all of which are associated with dominance. A dog person prefers living with a partner or family and does not like staying in isolation.

Being extrovert, they make friends easily and remain lively most of the time. Also, a dog person is goal-oriented (can you find enough match with your personality). Adding another positive factor to the trait, if you love dogs, you are a person full of focus and dedication who aims for success and would give a tough competition to anyone.

Cat Person

Not boasting much but cat persons are creative. But at the same time, it is seen that a cat person is prone to anxiety and neuroticism. They are very sensitive and emotional but great listener. Unlike dog persons, a cat person is kind of an introvert and is definitely non-conformists. Guess what? In terms of intelligence, a dog person cannot beat you.

Cat persons love solitude, give them a room to stay alone they’ll ask for nothing more. Even though they tend to live alone, this does not hamper their intelligence rather boosts it and makes them smarter and they think out of the box, unlike dog lovers. Cat persons are also politically liberal but in terms of competitiveness, dominance cat person lags behind.

Could you identify your personality traits with any of these?