Published By: Sreyanshi

What exactly is ‘productivity’ in this hybrid world?

It’s time to talk about ‘productivity’ and how to measure it! A recently conducted survey concluded that the new, hybrid workplace has put forth a demand in front of us, as a society, to decide what our collective idea of ‘productivity’ is! In these trying times, we need to understand how to use the metrics to measure productivity in terms of today’s hybrid workplace that is highly challenging and somewhat exploitative in terms of working ours and wages compared to that.

How do we define productivity in this hybrid world?

Keeping in mind the post-pandemic situation where working from home during longer and longer hours have done little to attain the 'desired productivity' even with all the remote working benefits. Why is that? Why have we failed to concretize a plan for productivity? Does that mean the way we define productivity is not how we experience it? Then how do we define productivity in the post-pandemic world? More importantly, how do we devise a plan to measure our collective idea of 'productivity'?

Here’s a study done recently, working on the ‘hybrid workspace paradox’, reveals that while it is true that employees tend to put in more work during working from home compared to that of when they were in office, it doesn’t always lead to an increased productivity! How? With a clear vision into the future, we would know, such working atmosphere skyrocket burn out and companies majorly lose out on productivity, not to mention the grave fall out of the health impacts that the employees suffer from.

Here are the three key ingredients to increase basic productivity:

Focusing on our well being

To define productivity, we have to agree to have employees working in their best possible form, which will enable them to perform their best. How do we do that? We ensure that employees are at their best of health and wellbeing. Let us be reminded of how important it is to treat the mental health of employees as much as their physical health. Both of these things majorly affect the performance of the employees and thus the productivity of the company.

Welcome Collaboration

The same survey states that employees need social connection and a major source of that is their office connections, their colleagues and friends. To inspire productivity we should build on teamwork and encourage collaborative efforts, be it for work or for celebration.

Inspire Innovation

If we follow the previous two steps of well being of the employees and collaboration among the team, the innovation is bound to follow.