Published By: Ishani Karmakar

What Happens When You Drink Coffee Post Noon

For many individuals, brewing a cup of coffee in the morning is as routine as brushing one's teeth or washing one's face.

That cup of Joe may give you that extra jolt in the morning, but if you're relying on it throughout the day, you might be jeopardising your health and your energy levels. If you're a coffee drinker, keep reading to learn about the possible adverse effects.

Getting To Sleep May Be More Difficult

To obtain a decent night's sleep, you might wish to give up your afternoon coffees. Two espressos five hours before bedtime increased the time it took for participants to fall asleep according to a 2014 research in the Journal of Biological Rhythms.

The Quality Of Your Sleep May Be Affected

If you consume a cup of coffee right before going to bed, you'll have to deal with a lot more than simply sleepless nights. Those who consumed coffee five hours before bedtime woke up more frequently, had longer durations of stage 1 sleep, and had shorter intervals of "deep" sleep, according to a research published in the Journal of Biochemical Rhythms.

Your Circadian Cycle May Be Completely Disrupted What if you want to get out of bed at the crack of dawn? Having a cup of coffee in the afternoon might not be the best idea. One of the more well-known side effects of coffee is an inability to sleep at night, but a 2015 study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine found that a dose of caffeine taken three hours before bedtime delayed an individual's circadian rhythm by approximately 40 minutes, making it more difficult to wake up.

Your Nocturnal Sweats Might Become Worse

Nocturnal sweats might be made worse by coffee usage in the afternoon. It's possible that cutting back on coffee will help relieve hot flashes and night sweats.

It's Possible You'll Have To Get Up To Use The Restroom Repeatedly

It doesn't matter what time of day you ingest caffeine; caffeine acts as a diuretic. Because of this, it is more likely to keep you awake and running to the restroom all night, especially if you are drinking coffee later in the day or evening.

Two separate studies have found that women who consume large amounts of caffeine are more likely to develop bladder issues than those who abstain or consume moderate amounts of caffeine.