Published By: Nirtika Pandita

What is ArdhaChandrasana yoga pose, how to do it, and its health benefits

This single pose aims and reaches out to multi-facets of the body, inside and out

ArdhaChandrasana, also called Half Moon Pose, is a standing asana in modern yoga. Coming from the Sanskrit word, Ardha means 'half', Chandra means 'moon', and āsana means 'posture' or 'seat'. As the name suggests, Half Moon Pose, when performing this asana, one brings forth energies from both the moon, which is calm and cool, as well as the sun, which is fiery and intense. And how you bring together both the energies by means of how this pose stretches out the body. This unique yoga poses challenges to the body and mind as the main focus of ArdhaChandrasana asana is balance.

As per the 19th century Sritattvanidhi, the use of the name ArdhaChandrasana was done for a different pose, Vrikshasana. However, Swami Yogesvarananda used the name in his 1970 First Steps to Higher Yoga for a pose similar to Kapotasana, the Pigeon pose.

The various health benefits of ArdhaChandrasana  

Half Moon Pose is a highly crucial pose that is instrumental in laying the foundation for other advanced asanas making it easier to attempt them.

This asana is helpful in strengthening the ankles, knees, legs, and thighs, as well as stretches the hamstrings.

This asana is helpful in strengthening the ankles and thighs, as well as stretches the hamstrings. ArdhaChandrasana is highly helpful, especially for runners and brisk walkers with tight hamstrings.

Attempting of this pose also leads to improving the balance and core strength of the body.

It also roots thighbones to help alleviate the back pain.

Apart from the knee and ankle, this asana also strengthens the abdomen, buttocks, and spine.

At the same time, the stretch in this exercise opens the chest and shoulders.

While ArdhaChandrasana is helpful in stretching the body, it also helps improve digestion, reduce anxiety, depression and relieves stress.

How to perform this asana

Begin by getting into the UtthitaTrikonasana or the extended triangle pose. You can pick either side to start this exercise.

Now, slowly bring put the hand on your hip and turn the head to look at the floor.

Bend your front leg and very gently shift the body weight into the front foot.

Now, reach your front hand a little forward and place it on the mat beneath your front shoulder.

Then lift the back leg until the thigh is parallel to the floor and then slowly turn your chest to face the right by twisting your torso and hips. At the same time, stretch the top hand to the ceiling.

Try and stay in this pose for a few seconds, and then slowly uncurl yourself out of it