Published By: Ahvana Paul

What Makes Alice In Wonderland A Must-Read

Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Caroll are two of the most popular classics for children, as well as adults. It has captured the imagination of multiple generations and is still highly loved by people of all ages! If you are looking to go back to reading your childhood classics, or haven’t had the fortune of encountering the bizarre wonky world of Alice to date, these two books should be on your to-read list! Here are some reasons why

World of fantasy

This book introduces a world of fantasy to the reader that will immediately capture their attention. Wonderland, where Alice ends up arriving in, is full of strange, wonky but fascinating creatures, and people. The characters are quirky and the larger systems in wonderland are different. It draws the reader in immediately. All the situations in Wonderland are so seemingly impossible, yet so riveting. This unpredictability of Wonderland along with the quirks and innocence of different characters fuse to make one of the most beautiful stories ever told!

Important life lessons and metaphors

One of the best things about Alice in Wonderland, is how some of the lines and messages promoted throughout the book are almost like life lessons, that one should pay heed to. There are lines like “ I can imagine as many as six impossible things before breakfast”. This quote denotes a rebellion against a proper constricted schedule and the value of imagination and the need to believe in fantasy. The book is furthermore embedded with the message of hope and about trying to find one’s way which is beautiful such as Alice and the cat’s conversation in one of the chapters. Alice says “Would you tell me please which way I ought to go from here”. The Cheshire cat responds “ That depends a good deal on where you want to go to”. These quotes have a certain significance and have a meaning that we must take up as life-lesson.

Quote-worthy witty dialogues

Some of the quote-worthy lines from the book are also witty, such as “It is always tea-time here” and “We are all mad here” The first one is a direct quote about leisure while the second one is describing the circumstances in wonderland. These quotes are fun to read and are sure to induce a chuckle or something!