Published By: Puja Sinha

Why Ditching the Phone in the Morning Helps?

How not to let your phone sabotage morning productivity

Compulsively checking the phone first thing on waking up casts a negative spell on the entire day. The habit is quite a let-down and a deterrent to turning your mornings into productive and optimistic beginnings.  All the same, this particular eagerness injects stress and anxiety as you prepare for the day.

You Prioritise Tasks Efficiently

Without the smartphone distraction, you are equipped with a reliable arsenal to prioritise and arrange tasks for the day. Since you would not be fussy or overwhelmed by any element you came across on phone, you retain a degree of calm and tranquillity. Your mind is not primed for distraction which often pushes you to remain a bit vexed, irritated and edgy throughout the day as a result of which your thoughts and priorities tend to suffer distortion and delay. Instead, if you choose to do something more calming such as setting the goals for the day or sorting through the to-do, you are better equipped to finish the day with regrets over pending tasks.

You Stay Proactive 

Once you eliminate absorbing the blue light that radiates from phone screen, you also reduce melatonin suppression which further amplifies the risk fatigue, sleep deprivation, eyesight damage and fatal ailments like cancer and type 2 diabetes. Exposure to negative content also impacts stress-related emotional responses—a big challenge in achieving professional and academic excellence. You tend to stay active, focused and energised throughout the day without compromising mental health and enhancing stress levels. In a nutshell, your calm and poise ensure that you do not fret, fidget or lose calm over minor obstacles

You Stop Dopamine Craving

Smartphone use triggers the release of dopamine, a feel-good hormone that makes you feel satiated and rewarded. Once you satisfy your brain by injecting a dopamine dose, throughout the stay you feel compelled to indulge in behaviours or activities that would provide for this craving. Subsequently, you end up losing focus and time. Again, this proves why you tend to remain distracted and zoned out even when attending to important tasks. Mornings should be relaxed and filled with less intrusive activities.

Fortunately, you have a plethora of alternatives to try for cutting down on this toxic habit of aimlessly scrolling on smartphone or smart devices. Healthier options such as drinking a glass of warm water, meditating, journaling, connecting with family members, taking a walk and introspecting on the day’s activities exert tons of positivity on you to carry on through the day.