Published By: Nirtika Pandita

Why you should stop eliminating rice from your diets

If rice is what you like, then you should not remove it from the plate

For most Indians, rice is an integral part of the diet, for most nations in the country are rice cultivators. Irrespective of the region, the rich culinary expansion in itself calls for loads of rice to be eaten with dal makhani, butter chicken, rajma, and whatnot.

But at the same time, rice has come into a lot of health hazard news for it being a starchy grain over the years. And the new fad in the health sector has projected rice to be a dangerous food item one can consume. However, fear not, as that is not the case. Rice, when eaten in moderation and of good quality, poses no threat. So here are a few benefits of rice that you should not over-look and include in your diet right away.

A great source of fibre and provide energy.

Rice is a rich source of fibre in producing healthy enzymes that are important for the probiotics in the body, which helps maintain a healthy gut. At the same time, rice also provides the body with energy and stamina. Since carbohydrates are the main energy source, rice's healthy carbs help convert them into energy. It also helps in optimal brain function.

Enhances body metabolism

Rich in calcium, fibre, vitamin D, riboflavin, and iron, rice is a power source of increasing the body's metabolism. These vitamins are the main source of metabolism that the body needs and rice is rich in them, making the functioning of the immune system healthy and keeps the organs happy.

Helps in fighting Anaemia

Generally, one often runs around the greens section for the natural source of iron in the body while ignoring the essential thing in hand, rice. The main purpose of eating iron-rich food is to increase the dropping level of haemoglobin. And what most people are unaware of is the rich benefits of rice in increasing haemoglobin. Be it white or brown rice, both are equally good in increasing the haemoglobin levels in the body, making it healthier.

Helps in controlling blood pressure

The adequate quality of rice that makes it suitable for controlling the raging blood pressure levels in the body is its low sodium level. Therefore, for people with high blood pressure, it is highly recommended for them to consume rice as it will help in controlling high blood pressure and hypertension.