Published By: Ishita Vohra

Wonderful Benefits of Gua-Sha

Use of stones for treatment and beautification purposes has always been there. It actually began in China, where the stones were once used to treat a variety of illnesses, long before modern medicine existed.

However, what exactly is a Gua-Sha and how can a stone provide so many advantages for beauty?

What Is Gua-Sha?

Gua-Sha straightforwardly means "scratch" and "sand". Gua-sha is a traditional Chinese healing method in which a trained professional uses a smooth-edged tool to stroke your skin while they press on it. This motion raises small red dots that show under your skin which is caused by bleeding. The practice of Gua-Sha, in which technicians gently scrape the skin to reveal tiny dots under the skin, provided inspiration for the sand analogy. these little granules look like bits of sand, which prompted their name. It is common for people to experience redness or tenderness after applying Gua-Sha, but these effects will go away in a few days.

What Advantages Does Gua-Sha Provide?

Improves circulation of blood. Gua-Sha treatments increased circulation in small blood vessels. Eleven healthy people received Gua-Sha therapy on their backs. And they had better blood flow in the targeted area for 25 minutes after treatment. Interestingly, women responded better than men. 

wrinkles and fine lines. The practice of Gua-Sha can temporarily improve the appearance of the new and very gentle wrinkles. However, Gua-Sha should not be the first choice for long-standing wrinkles.

Encourages lymph drainage. Experts claimed that Gua-Sha can reduce puffiness by removing fluid buildup.

May ease muscle soreness. If you need to ease muscle soreness, Gua-Sha might be helpful. In similar little review, individuals who got Gua-Sha medicines detailed a prompt decrease in muscle torment. Surprisingly, they experienced less pain elsewhere as well as in the targeted area.

Alleviates muscle tension. Specialists noticed that by applying strain with a Gua-Sha instrument routinely, clients can unravel hitched regions and deliver developed solid pressure.

Does Gua-Sha hurt?

Perusing that Gua-Sha includes "scratching," could make you recoil. Overall, Gua-Sha is gentle, but the intensity can increase or decrease depending on the kinds of knots your acupuncturist works with.