Published By: Puja Sinha

Worst Food Choices for Breakfast

Let’s debunk breakfast myths and find out how poor breakfast choices are harming you!

To cope with a hectic lifestyle, you may switch to packaged, easy to prepare meals and do away with any hassle of preparing a meal in the morning. Rethink and make sure you steer clear of these common breakfast choices. 


Breakfast Cereals: An insanely popular choice, cereals are loaded with sugar, calories and carbs assured to increase blood sugar and insulin. This spike will make you crave bowls of high-carb meals. Since the cereal is made from refined grains, the protein levels are quite minimum. Contrary to what the brands claim, your breakfast cereal fares miserably in containing iron or calcium. Excess reliance on cereal is linked to cancer and organ damage.


Fruit Juice: Gulping down juice on empty stomach is worst for you are stuffing sugars released from the fruits you are juicing. This adversely impacts liver functioning culminating in type-2 diabetes, fatty liver and obesity.


Tomato Soup: Opting for an easy-peasy tomato soup rich in cheese can lead to stomach irritation since tomatoes contain tannic acid—unhealthy when comes in contact with gastric juices. It also causes acid reflux and impairs digestion. Keep them for your midday-meal salad. 


Milk Coffee: If you have a habit to grab a cuppa because you do not feel hungry enough for a meal, your body is being deprived of fibre and protein. This cuppa is dangerous with or without added sugar and milk. While a textured cup of black coffee may seem ideal to start the day with, it fluctuates blood sugar levels. Sugars or added sweeteners add extra calories besides increasing risks of developing obesity and cardiovascular problems.   


White Bread: White bread gives you a sugar rush and abnormally surges blood sugar levels. It is replete with preservatives like mono and diglycerides, calcium peroxide and ammonium sulphate that hardly replenish you with even an iota of nutrition. 


Packaged Smoothies: Tons of sugar and overloaded with fruits and preservatives, smoothies can sabotage your health early in the day. Packaged fruits are anyway low in fibre. Try squeezing a fresh glass of juice from fresh fruits sometime during the day.


Frozen Meals: Taking out from freezer a packet of frozen food for breakfast might be convincing but it a highly discarded by dieticians as a meh breakfast option. You are increasing the intake of saturated fat and sodium triggering heart diseases, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure. In many fried frozen food packages is found hydrogenated oil that clogs arteries and restricts blood flow.