Published By: Sohamhalder227

Yoga poses to reduce hypertension.

High blood pressure or hypertension is a common health issue globally. Prevention or maintaining a healthy blood pressure can be promoted by doing some easy yoga steps.

According to recent surveys, approximately 50% of the adult global population is suffering from elevated blood pressure and associated consequences. There is a strange fact about consuming medicines for high blood pressure. Once you start having those medicines, you just cannot stop till your last day. Because, if you stop it, it will show some bad consequences. Thus, many experts suggest some yoga steps control high blood pressure. Go through this article for details about those yoga steps and associated benefits.

Balasana or Child’s Pose provides calmness and steady blood flow:

This pose is extremely beneficial for the hips and spine for movement. It also provides openness. This yoga starts with bringing your big toes to the touch and widening your legs. Start exhalation and sit on your hips back toward your heels. You must keep your arms extended in the forward direction. Place your outer ribs on your inner thighs comfortably. Start lengthening your sacrum portion toward your heels while elongating your spine. Keep your forehead on the floor and stay comfortable. Stay in this position for at least 1–3 minutes.

Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend helps with calming your nerves and reduces excess blood flow:

You need several pillows to perform this yoga. This yoga starts with sitting on the floor while keeping your legs out in the forward direction. You must sit up straight. Start pressing your heel portion away from the body and your fingertips into the floor. Now, start inhaling. Then, bend forward from your hips region while exhalation. Keep your torso portion and spine long and straight. Place both hands along the outside of your legs. This should not disrupt the length of your spine. Stay in this pose for 2-3 minutes for proper benefits.

Baddha Konasana or Bound Angle Pose helps in improved circulation of blood:

This yoga starts with seating on the ground while keeping the legs straight. Then bend your knees. Now, bring your soles together. This should allow your knees to fall open. You can keep your hands on the floor behind you. This will provide support to your spine. While inhaling lengthen the spine so that you reach up through the head. Hold yourself on yourself for 3–5 breaths.

Janu Sirsasana or Head-to-Knee Pose helps in reducing anxiety and hypertension:

This is a great exercise to soothe your mind. This yoga starts from the seating position. Then,  extend the right leg straight while bending your left knee. Now, place the bottom portion of your left leg against the right inner thigh. Then, place your hips in the forward position and try to reach your arms overhead while inhalation. This will lengthen your spine. While exhalation, fold forward over your right leg. This will allow your arms to hold lightly your right leg. Now, press your right heel region very gently into the floor while lengthening your chest over your right foot. Always try to keep the back of your neck straight and long. This will help in relaxation. Hold this pose for 3–5 breaths before changing sides.

When blood pressure rises it may lead to blood vessel damage, heart attacks, and so on. So, never ignore it and follow those yoga steps to stay healthy.