Published By: Jayati

Zinc it up, ladies! 5 reasons you need this super nutrient!

Today, let's discuss Zinc—the unsung hero that truly deserves its time in the spotlight!

Zinc is like a superhero nutrient in your body, helping out with stuff like boosting your immune system, keeping your blood sugar in check, and making sure your metabolism runs smoothly. The cool thing is, you don't need a lot of it to get these awesome benefits. But here's the not-so-great part: if you don't get enough zinc, it can mess with your health in some serious ways! Let's dive into this topic to understand why it's important to keep an eye on your zinc levels.

Zinc Requirements and Sources for a Healthy Body 

Zinc is a trace mineral, which means you only need a tiny amount to keep your body happy and healthy. For instance, women aged 19 and older require just eight milligrams of zinc per day. You can get this essential mineral from a variety of foods, including seafood, animal-based protein for non-vegetarians, nuts like cashews and almonds, seeds such as pumpkin and sesame seeds, legumes like chickpeas and lentils, whole grains like wheat and quinoa, dairy products like cheese and milk, and green vegetables like spinach. If you're falling short, supplements are also an option. 

Because you need so little, it's often overlooked, but this small amount of zinc has a big impact on how your body functions! Now, let's explore the amazing ways zinc benefits our bodies!

Zinc supports immune health

Think of zinc as your body's shield against invaders. It helps strengthen your immune system by supporting the development of T cells, which are like your body's frontline defenders against viruses and even cancer cells. Plus, zinc might even help calm down inflammation, giving your immune system an extra boost.

Zinc contributes to better bone health 

As women age, the fear of osteoporosis, which makes bones fragile and prone to breaking, looms large. Think of zinc as a key player in keeping bones strong and resilient. It helps build and repair bones, making them denser and less likely to break. By making sure they include enough zinc in their diet, women can give their bones the support they need to stay healthy and avoid the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

Zinc promotes reproductive health 

Zinc isn't just important for bones and immunity; it's also a big player in women's reproductive health. It helps with the development and functioning of reproductive organs, ensuring they work as they should. Additionally, zinc is super important in producing hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which are crucial for keeping the reproductive system humming along smoothly. So, making sure you get enough zinc is essential for overall reproductive health and well-being.

Zinc benefits eye health 

Your eyes need zinc to function at their best and stay protected from age-related issues like macular degeneration and cataracts. A study published in Molecular Nutrition Food Research found that zinc is part of antioxidant enzymes that fight off harmful free radicals, shielding your eyes from oxidative harm. By giving your eyes the support they need, zinc helps maintain clear vision and reduces the risk of vision loss in women.

Zinc is your heart's best friend 

Zinc is essential for maintaining heart health by supporting cardiovascular function and reducing the risk of heart disease. It helps regulate blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the function of blood vessels, which are all vital for overall cardiovascular wellness. Research published in the Texas Heart Institute Journal highlights the prevalence of zinc deficiency among women with heart failure. Therefore, it's important to ensure sufficient zinc intake to support heart health.

Here's an interesting tidbit: ever thought your struggle with weight loss could be linked to zinc deficiency? It's like this little-known factor that could be holding you back! A study from 2019 suggested that zinc supplements could give you a helping hand in shedding those stubborn fats! So, make sure you're getting sufficient zinc in your daily diet, but remember to keep it balanced!