Published By: Sayan Paul

12 Foods that may help you fight insomnia

Suffering from insomnia? Here's the list of foods that may help you.

Insomnia is a very common illness in today's time. It is a sleeping disorder in which people find it difficult to sleep. In a world where stress, anxiety and frustrations are almost part of every human life, many people are nowadays suffering from it. A study shows that the rate of insomnia has increased a lot in this pandemic.

If not cured immediately, it can lead you to depression and several other illness. So, here's a list of foods that may help you fight insomnia.

  1. Almonds & Walnuts: Almonds are rich source of melatonin which is a hormone that boosts your sleep. It also contains magnesium and zinc which reduce your stress and fight insomnia. Walnut also regulates melatonin in your body and increases Serotonin which improve your sleep.
  2. Milk: Milk can be very beneficial for you if you are having insomnia. It contains calcium and amino acid tryptophan, these minerals regulate the production of melatonin in your body. It keeps your body warm, relaxed and boosts your sleep.
  3. Rice: Rice contains high amount of carbohydrate and glycemic. It increases the insulin level in your blood. Insulin promotes the production of tryptophan that boosts your sleep.
  4. Whole grains: Whole grains contain some important components which help you fight insomnia. It increases insulin production which promotes tryptophan in your brain. It also contains magnesium which boosts your sleep.
  5. Banana: Banana contains potassium, magnesium and several other vitamins which relax your body muscles, reduce stress and help you sleep. It also contains tryptophan.
  6. Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate contains tryptophan which stimulates melatonin and serotonin. It also contains magnesium and many other sedative components. Consuming these minerals from dark chocolate keeps you feel relaxed and sleepy.
  7. Yogurt: Yogurt contains calcium which regulates tryptophan and melatonin in your body. It reduces stress, anxiety and helps you fall asleep.
  8. Sweet Potatoes: Sweet Potatoes are a rich source of calcium, potassium and magnesium. These process the sedative hormones in your body and help you fight insomnia.
  9. Honey: Honey contains glucose and glucose reduces the orexin level in your body. It helps you stay relaxed and sleepy.
  10. Herbal tea: Herbal tea such as chamomile and peppermint contain antioxidant components like apigenin and flavones. These reduce your stress, anxiety, depression and help you fight insomnia.
  11. Spinach & Kale: Spinach and Kale both are rich source of calcium which promotes the sleep hormones in your body.
  1. Cherries: Cherries contain good amount of fiber which is beneficial for sleep. Also it has melatonin which boosts your sleep.
Insomnia is dangerous and a healthy diet is what you need to fight it.