Published By: Rinks

6 Tips To Train Your Dog

Training your dog is the first thing you need to do after getting them home. Here are some effective ways to train your dog on your own.

Training your dog effectively is one of the most satisfying things you can perform as a pet parent, but it can be difficult to know where to begin. Here are some pointers to help you get on track, after which you will know for yourself what works for your pet.

Methods of positive reinforcements

Many veterinarians, if not most, believe that positive reinforcement training is the best way to teach a dog new behaviors. As the name implies, positive reinforcement training emphasizes praising your pet for good behavior as opposed to penalizing it. Dogs should be rewarded whenever they show excellent behavior and obey your directions. When you give someone a reward for being good, you're teaching them that good conduct will lead to more rewards.

Choose an appropriate incentive

Some canines are highly receptive to the prospect of receiving food as a reward. Some pets have quite specific tastes, and they tend to favor soft, chewy snacks over tough, crunchy ones. Yet, certain canines show little to no enthusiasm when presented with a meal. In this case, you might want to try rewarding your dog in other ways, such as by giving it a short game with its favorite toy or just plenty of love and attention.


Sticking to a regular training schedule is crucial. The same term, along with the identical sort of tone, should be used whenever you ask your dog to perform a task. Having everyone in your family agree on a course of action is also crucial. If you never allow the dog here on the sofa, but your spouse does, the dog will become confused and will not be able to acquire new habits. Little, frequent workouts are more beneficial than large, single sessions.

Do it in a lighthearted manner

You and your dog should enjoy the training process. Have a constructive attitude at all times, and consider varying your training by adding brief play periods in between sets to keep things fresh. In addition to standard obedience training, you may want to teach your dog some tricks. We, humans, get more excited about watching a dog roll over than we do about a simple sit, and our dogs catch up on this and become passionate trick performers as a result.

Applaud the efforts

It's important to reward your dog for even the smallest of achievements. Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of the small victories that can help keep you and your dog motivated throughout training as you work towards the larger objective.

Do some research or talk to a dog trainer

Don't be afraid to seek the help of an expert dog trainer or enroll in a training course if you're having trouble. Expert trainers possess years of experience and can help you & your dog quickly. They've seen it all, professionally speaking, and should have suggestions on how to handle whatever difficulty you're having.