Published By: Rinks

The Most Visited Destinations By Tourists In Colombia

Here are some of the most popular and revisited tourist destinations in Columbia that you absolutely cannot miss. Read on to know them all!

Colombia is one of South America's most picturesque and diverse travel destinations. Indeed, Colombia has everything, from sandy beaches and towering mountains to jungles and the mighty Amazon River. Outside of the cities, Colombia's national parks, historical monuments, and lively culture are what make the country so appealing to tourists. If you plan a trip to Colombia, use this information as your itinerary.

The Cocora Valley

Wax palms are the national emblem of Colombia, as well as the Valle de Cocora is the best place to observe them in their natural habitat. As the mists clear, the wax palms atop the valley's hills reveal their towering height against the bizarre backdrop of lush greenery. Of course, the terrain draws visitors to Valle de Cocora, but there are other ways to take it all in. Horseback riding, Jeep trips, and a six-hour trekking circle are all very well-liked activities.

Ciudad Perdida

The city of Ciudad Perdida is smack dab in the middle of the Colombian rainforest, which is still mostly unexplored. Ciudad Perdida, or Teyune, is a pre-Columbian town built by the Tayrona Indians in the eighth century and is also known by its alternative name, Lost City of Teyune.

Cao Cristales

Whether you know it as Cao Cristales, the Liquid Rainbow, or the River of Five Colors, you should add a visit to this incredible natural attraction to your schedule. Cao Cristales has been off-limits to visitors since 1989 when the FARC took control of the area. However, in recent years, a select number of tour operators have begun conducting safe, well-planned excursions there.

Los Nevados

Los Nevados National Park is a mountainous area with some of the country's most impressive volcanic mountains. However, the park's primary draw is the snow-capped peaks, including Nevado Del Ruiz & Nevado del Tolima.


Barranquilla, Colombia, hosts the world's second-largest Carnaval, even though most people connect Carnaval with Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Carnaval de Barranquilla is a time when the entire city celebrates with parties, concerts, and parades. La Batalla de Flores, also known as the Battle of Flowers, is the opening ceremony of the celebrations. Attendees sometimes dress in garish patterns or costumes based on historical figures or folktales from Colombia.