Published By: Sanjukta

These are the worst things you'd probably do in college

Oh college, my college

College can be amazing especially when it comes to broadening one’s horizons. Figuring out the next few years of your life isn’t what college is all about. It’s about learning to stay away from home and being independent, making the right choices (and wrong ones), learning about people and life, managing finances by yourself, and whole lot decisions.

Speaking of decisions, college can make you get carried away at times. The beauty of college is you can help find a balance between every aspect of college. But anyone who has attended college can list the worst things they have done in college that they probably regret. So if you are heading to college, here are the worst thing you’d probably do in college.

Not staying up to date with curriculum

College can be fun and studying doesn’t have to be the top priority but we have all done bad job keeping up with classroom notes, collecting enough of them, maintaining the attendance. So no matter what you do keep up with classes, even if that means having a conversation with people who know about it.

Just partying

Look, partying is not mandatory but is a rite of passage in college. But attending every single parties is fun until it starts becoming the only priority. Yes, we have all done it.

Partying so much it makes you sick

Whatever it is, partying comes with drinking. We have all had he weirdest concoctions of drinks and dunked it down like it meant nothing; to the point the bathroom became our BFF by the end of the night.

Not socializing enough

Cooped up in the room because socializing makes you anxious is probably another mistake you’d probably make in college.

Not getting enough sleep/rest

With a lot on your plate, sleep and rest might be the last thing on your mind. But catching up on sleep only on the weekend will make you tired and give those nasty dark circles. Prioritizing slee and rest is a realization we come to quite late.

Letting people’s opinion affect you too much

Listen to people but letting their opinion about you change the way you look at yourself will not help you. Learning how to not get to your head is something we need to learn in college.

Prioritizing romantic relationships way too much

Oh, letting romantic relationships turn our brain into mush, losing sleep, harming our studies and cause mental and emotional damage. Yes, we have all done it.

Not keeping up with home

Call home. Like seriously. Check up on your parents and siblings. Even if it’s just a few minutes everyday.