Words with hard to remember meanings

Many a times we use words that often come up in conversation and writings but whose meaning you can never get right. Read on to know more.

Are certain words and their meaning messing with your brain more than once?

There are many words in the English language which you must have used, read, wrote many times but still get confused time and again about their usage and memory. For example, some of the words that looks like they have a negative connotation because they either never had a positive counterpart or positive ones fell out of use; the word does not have any negative connotation. These words are confused for their opposite meaning (that we think) or have meanings that is not quite well reflected in their definitions in the dictionary. Here are words whose meanings sometimes become hard to remember.

Inchoate, which according to the dictionary, means imperfectly formed or only partially in existence.

The “in” at the beginning of the word reminds us of words such as inadequate or incomplete. Some people find it to be a good way to remember words with anegative connotation. So, the words beginning with has been taken in a negative context, but that is not the case with the word inchoate. The word is derived from the Latin word “inchoare” which means “to begin something”. So, the correct meaning of the term would be beginnings.

Uncanny, which according to the dictionary means something that surpasses normal or ordinary.

The word “canny” is rarely used, but the experts of the language would tell you that its meaning is not actually rare. It is used for indicating cunningness and sly nature. But when we join this “canny” with uncanny, we often mistakenly think that it and that is exactly the problem. They began to imply that the meaning of uncanny is mischievous. That further proves if we have a look at our favourite comic book universe where we freely use the term to signify supernatural powers who toy with the humans.

Cachet and Panache; the word that is often confused together but has an entirely different meaning.

Before you exclaim that you have been using the word for the same context, understand their actual meaning in the dictionary. Cachet is an indication of a superior status, whereas Panache means stylish elegance. So, in short, Cachet is about status and prestige, whereas Panache is about style and grace.

Which other words and their meanings confuse you often?