Published By: Sougata Dutta

5 Simple Baking Recipes

Save Both of Your Money and Time

If you want to get delicious food in a very short time, at low cost, then you have to keep an eye on several recipes. Those can be easily made with some materials that are easily available all over the Indian subcontinent. Let us know about some such recipes.

Samosa : Indians need no introduction of the tempting snack like "Samosa".There is no need for anything special except flour, potatoes, peas, coriander powder, chilli powder, cumin powder and refined oil to make Samosa. Firstly, potatoes and peas are boiled in a pressure cooker. Then Samosas stuff is made by mixing different spices with them.Then a triangular sheath of flour is made. After that it is wrapped with stuff and fried in refined oil.

Onion Pakora With Muri : Crunchy "Muri" is made from rice in the eastern states of India. It is accompanied by onion pakora, which is made with onion and besan. This simple but delicious recipe is made with onion, besan, green chilli and refined oil. First the onion is cut into small pieces and smeared with besan, water, salt and green chilli. It is then fried in a small shape in refined oil until it becomes crispy. It is then served with "Muri''.

Tomato Soup With Cabbage Roll:

It is not very difficult to make a soup with tomato, chilli powder, coriander leaves and chilli. Making Cabbage rolls requires a mixture of different vegetables, refined oil, salt, chilli powder and some cabbage leaves. Fry vegetables like onions, carrots, beans in a pan first with oil and spices. Then place the stuff of vegetables on the cabbage leaves and roll it. Then leave it in the microwave at a temperature of 200-400 degrees for ten minutes. After that It can be served with tomato soup.

Rice Pudding : Whenever you want to eat something sweet in between your work, you can easily make rice pudding. For this requires rice, milk, almonds, vanilla or chocolate, cinnamon and sugar. You can also use coconut milk instead of dairy milk. Cook the rice for a while with milk and sugar.Then after cooking for a while with nuts, other spices, vanilla or chocolate, take it down when it becomes creamy. It can be eaten either hot or cold, as you prefer.