Published By: Jayati


There is no enjoyment that is more enhancing and life-changing than reading.

Children can enhance cognitive development and imagination through storytelling and reading. These activities not only help parents and kids interact, but they also provide the kid with a secure space where they may express themselves verbally and emotionally without fear of backlash. Here in this article we talk about 5 amazing benefits of reading a Storybook from a young age.

Flourishing of Language Skills

The vocabulary that children should have acquired by the time they are over their toddler phase cannot be increased just by speaking. Most of the time, a parent's verbal communication with their child is repetitive and they no longer actually teach them new words. When you read, vocabulary words are easily accessible in stories where you may explain their meaning using the illustrations and the text. Your kids' exposure to many topics in various books also helps them build the vocabulary needed for the subjects they are interested in.

A Brilliant source of Entertainment

According to various studies, youngsters who spend a lot of time using handheld screens, particularly mobile phones and tablets, may experience developmental delays. Little children under the age of two are advised to limit their exposure to screens as much as possible. Books could replace technology as the next form of kids' enjoyable entertainment. Even if a child were to calmly sit down and turn the pages of a book, he would be taking in both the text and the vibrant graphics.

Huge Boost in Confidence

Children will progressively learn how to pronounce new words, how to spell different words, and what these words mean if you encourage them to read more frequently. We have all seen the expression children's faces when they are irritated that they are unable to finish the phrase because of a difficult word. Nonetheless, your youngster will eventually learn to finish the sentence if you refer to it frequently and gradually work on pronunciation and reading every day. This will boost not only their confidence in their ability to read but also their overall self-assurance.

Improvement in Parent-Child Relationship

The attention parents give their children during the day may not be their best efforts to connect with them as they rush through the day to get everything done. Surprisingly, scheduling time at night to establish a reading routine ensures that private period during which nothing should interfere with the unique time you have with your child. Also, reading aloud to their children helps parents make time in their hectic schedules for devoted quiet time with their kids.

Increase in Concentration

Various studies found that the Prefrontal cortex in the brain can be directly stimulated by reading. This is significant since the prefrontal cortex, along with many other skills, is the area of the brain which enhances your capacity for concentration, focus, and memory. A key skill that can help kids succeed in school and even be employed in the business once they're adults is improved concentration.