Published By: Bono Sen

6 best vegan recipe books you must read

Veganism is simple, but recipes are a little tricky but full of flavour!

Non-vegans often tend to believe that vegans consume raw food, or cannot get the most out of the dishes they consume, but that is far from the truth! There are plenty of vegan recipes to try which can easily match non-vegan recipes in terms of flavour, texture and more. Here are five books you must read to get started on a delicious vegan journey!

Epic Vegan Quick and Easy by Dustin Harder

This book is filled with easy one-pot plant-based recipes that amateurs embarking on this journey can quickly embrace. This book is filled with one-pot recipes, which take less time and are very convenient to learn and follow. This is a definite read for those who are too tired to cook more than assembling a sandwich.

The Vegan Meat Cookbook by MiyokoSchinner

Well if you have recently embarked on this journey, you will find that the taste of certain food is something you still crave. No worries, we have you covered. From Mexican style vegan cheat meals to lemon-garlic fake scallops, this book covers from top to bottom all flavours that you may miss on a new journey.

Vegan Baking for Beginners by JL Fields

We cannot leave out the sweet tooth from this list, can we! Of course, not! This book covers both sweet and savoury treats with a total of 75 recipes to choose from. This is a great book for beginners and you can easily master these mouthwatering dishes.

Green Kitchen Smmoties by David Frenkiel and LuiseVindal

Those delicious smoothies and Buddha bowls are not just Instagram worthy! This book brings you delicious smoothie recipes that can be your best on the go options in day to day life. It doesn’t simply offer green smoothie recipes but also fruits and whatnot to fill you up.

Forks over Knives by Del Sroufe

Okay, we admit, this is a staple in every vegan’s life! This book has 300 recipes and not just simple ones, but the ones that can leave your guests awestruck. This book with over 300 recipes has all whole foods and plant-based items in it. You must give it a try, once you are a little bit ahead on the learning curve.

Vegan Soul Food by Nadira Jenkins

If you are a southerner turned vegan, this book will blow your mind. Get all your previous favourites with vegan replacements, within the pages of this magical book.