Published By: Rinks

6 Eastern Culinary Secrets That Can Add Spice To Your Cooking

If you are a foodie who loves trying out various cuisines, here are some eastern culinary secrets you would love. Read on!

The globe is a buffet, and when it comes to the unusual flavor and colorful dishes, Middle Eastern food stands head and shoulders above the rest. They are also famous for their unique culinary methods, which are accessible for amateur chefs to learn without needing exotic ingredients or spices. So let's check out some techniques borrowed from Middle Eastern cuisine to spice up our dishes.

They apply salt on lemons

We rarely eat lemons and always use them in tea. However, Middle Eastern traditional dishes indicate many other uses for this fruit. For example, fresh lemon juice tastes excellent with meat, soup, and appetizers. In addition, lemons are frequently used in pickled form, especially in Moroccan and Persian cuisines. When packed in salt and lemon juice, lemons can be stored for up to a month.

They put the salad in soups

Croutons and herbs are standard Western toppings for soups, although Middle Eastern cooks discourage their use. Adding olives, parsley, and fried noodles is on the table but optional. Keep in mind that this trick is most helpful with pureed soups.

They brew coffee twice

Every region of the world has its own unique style of making coffee, but the Middle East has a method that would make even the pickiest sultan happy. First, the heated water is cooled and reheated with high-quality coffee beans and seasonings. Maintaining an adequately low heating temperature is crucial. That's why utilizing sand or embers is essential to the authentic preparation of Turkish coffee.

Rice has to be soaked for a few hours before cooking

To get a more fluffy result, rice is sometimes rinsed and soaked in milk before being cooked in several Middle Eastern dishes. In general, it's not necessary for long-grain rice, although it improves the flavor of Basmati. Two hours of soaking in cold water makes sticky rice more manageable and enhances the rice's natural taste.

They use oregano, basil, & marjoram for seasoning

Aromatic herbs often used to make soothing Middle Eastern tea are usually included in the main meals, including the meat. The za'atar herb is related to oregano, thyme, and marjoram and was used in a traditional Middle Eastern spice mix of the same name.

Everything is spiced with cinnamon

Cinnamon, among other spices, has a vast and dedicated fan base worldwide. A broad range of sweets can benefit from its sugary aroma. Therefore, it stands to reason that this spice is likewise vital to Middle Eastern cuisine. But it's a staple in many local morning cereals and meat dinners. Furthermore, the typical Syrian spaghetti meal often includes cinnamon and tomato sauce.