Published By: Rinks

6 Myths About Coffee We Continue To Believe In

Can't live without your cup of coffee? Here are some myths about coffee every coffee lover should know.

Even before it became trendy, coffee was more than a drink; some even go so far as to call it a cult. It's often believed that Turkish wives could file for divorce in the 16th century, if they weren't receiving sufficient quantities of high-quality coffee. We can't say how true was that for sure, but we can say that the coffee fad is not a product of Generation Z creation. But despite the abundance of data, ingrained misconceptions about coffee persist. Some widely believed yet completely false facts regarding coffee are presented here. Take a look below to learn about them all.

Coffee aids weight loss

We applaud the enthusiasm, but we must bust the bubble. The only effect coffee has on weight loss is reducing hunger, so you eat less overall. Because you won't be as hungry, you'll be able to limit your calorie consumption, but you shouldn't drink more than two cups of coffee daily.

Decaf coffee doesn't contain caffeine

Caffeine is present in every coffee, including decaf, so be aware of this. Even though the quantity of caffeine sometimes in decaffeinated beverages is substantially smaller than that in regular coffee (1-2 cups), the required dose may be fulfilled by ingesting 5-10 cups per day.

Coffee causes addiction

As a moderate stimulant, caffeine can cause mild addiction if ingested in large quantities. But unlike other addictions, you won't have to fight to quit coffee. Usually, after a few days, the tiredness, haziness, and irritability that accompany caffeine withdrawal start to subside. As a result, experts do not view coffee as an addictive drug.

Insomnia is caused by coffee

No studies have examined the correlation between coffee consumption and sleep quality. This suggests that coffee doesn't cause insomnia. If you drink it during the day, it won't keep you awake at night. However, it is a stimulant, so it's best to avoid drinking it within six hours of the night.

You should quit coffee during pregnancy

While most medical professionals believe that a daily caffeine intake of up to 200 milligrams (mg) is safe, they recommend that pregnant women and those trying to get pregnant cut back on their coffee drinking. This is because indications and contraindications may differ significantly from the patient, making it prudent to discuss the matter with a medical professional.

Coffee dehydrates you

The theory that coffee's caffeine might lead to dehydration originates from a study from 1928 that indicated caffeinated drinks made people urinate more often. Because of this, the beverage's diuretic properties have been questioned. In little time, the idea had gone viral, and coffee was universally stigmatized as a dehydrating beverage. However, this misconception has been dispelled through the years, and today's specialists are sure that coffee causes roughly the same amount of urine as any other beverage.