Published By: Sayan Guha

Chao Wang Food And Thai Food Of Each Festival

Thailand is one of the few countries left in the world with deep ties to the royal family, and Thai Palace Cuisine is a delicious testament to this fact.

Due to the complexity of the recipes (some of which need a large number of skilled chefs to prepare even a single meal) and the high cost of the materials, this style of traditional Thai cooking was once kept exclusively for the royal family. As a result, Thai Royal Cooking became an exclusive privilege only available within the royal walls. As time progressed, however, formerly exclusive ingredients became more widely available. Here is all you need to know about the Royal cuisine.

What exactly is "Royal Thai Food"?

Chao-Wang cuisine, often known as Royal Thai cuisine, dates back to the Ayutthaya Period (1351-1767). Although previous aristocracies may have had their own signature dishes, this is when the tradition really took root. When translated literally from Thai, "Chao" means "the people of" or "the citizens of," while "Wang" means "palace." This is why the name "Ahan Chao-Wang" translates to "food of those living in the palace." Sangkaya, looked chup & tong yip, foy tong, and tong yod were all introduced during the Ayutthaya period as a result of strong connections with the Portuguese.

In what ways does Royal Thai Food Differ from Other Thai Foods?

Royal Thai cuisine is characterized by a combination of rare and expensive ingredients, a delicate flavor profile, and an extravagant presentation. Only the finest and most recent products will do. Some things may seem commonplace by today's standards, but you have to keep in mind that they were once so expensive because only the affluent could afford them.

"Khao Chae." A traditional meal from the Thai royal kitchen

This is prepared by soaking the rice in cool, flowery (jasmine) water. You had to put a jar of water flavored with the scent of fragrant flowers in a stream underneath the boiler. Next, it is to be poured over white rice that has been cooked and served with packed bell peppers, meat (you can add a vegetarian alternative), and various condiments. It was only for the wealthy because no commoner could afford or spare the time required for all that. Traditionally, Thai Royal Cookery is eaten while seated on the floor at a low table. Western influence elsewhere in the region throughout the years 1600 to 1700 is thought to have resulted in the cuisine being served in courses like in Europe.

How the Royal Thai Food Taste?

Thai Royal Cuisine has dishes that are well-rounded and neither overly rich nor very spicy. The sweet and salty flavors that predominate in Thai dishes were developed to make eating simple and avoid digestive issues. There won't be much of a flavor or aroma to the meal either (with certain exceptions for rare and pricey dishes, of course!). This is why some individuals don't care for Royal Thai Cuisine. However, this is usually because they haven't eaten meals that were made properly and efficiently.