Published By: Ed Powers

Curd Is Healthy: But Should You Make It At Home Or Buy It At A Store?

The benefits of including curd in your diet are aplenty. But the real benefit from the curd will depend on how you source it.

When it comes to improving your gut microbiota, there is no better substitute than curd. Not only it aids in digestion, regulating cholesterol, improving bone health, being rich in protein it is one of your best bets to reduce weight.

Now while that may be good news indeed, what is not is our penchant for taking the low road - walking into a store to pick up your yoghurt cups.

On the face of it, though you might be thinking that you are onto a nutritious snack, most of the store-bought yoghurt that comes in fancy packaging and various flavours, are not exactly delivering what it should. No wonder you are probably not achieving the desired result. Here's why.

Oh, Sugar!

The primary aim of yoghurt brands is to sell more, so they stress on the mouthfeel. What else but loading it with sugar (along with emulsifiers) can achieve the result. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are very often used to sweeten the deal, worst if it's by beet sugar (genetically engineered) and corn syrup (high in fructose).

Sometimes it even becomes addictive, and the regulated sugar content proves more harmful than beneficial. Sugar becomes the food for disease-causing microbes to multiply, unbalancing the intestinal tract ecosystem.

The handcrafted variety is piquant to taste. You may either add salt (and pepper) of course sugar, but you know exactly how much is going in.

Milk Quality

Being a milk-based product, the quality of the milk decides its efficiency outcome. At home, you can control (to a certain extent, of course) the quality of the milk, say using double tone instead of a single tone. If the quality of the milk and the process to transfer it to yoghurt are not apt, you may not be receiving the purported benefits of the milk nutrients. Many yoghurt brands purpose source milk from cows fed with GE corn and or soy instead of grass, which seeps into the resulting product as well.

To cut corners, it may not be inconceivable that brands use lower fat milk sacrificing the creaminess and consistency. I believe you do find most of the brand yoghurts to be a bit runny.

Less organic, More Artificial

Store-bought yoghurts may resort to artificial colouring, flavouring, emulsifiers and thickeners (like pectin). It does not contain enough life cultures to be actually effective.

DIY, Avoid Nights

Simply add lukewarm milk to a starter culture and let it ferment overnight, at room temperature.

Avoid having curds at night as it leads to mucus production, opt for buttermilk if you must.